Various Baby Foods 10 Months For Your Baby

Body Health
For a 10-month-old baby, can crawl, or grow teeth, along with a variety of baby food for 10 months that he can voracious. Watch, and follow the growth of your baby, each month is a moment of happiness for every parent. From what can only cry at being able to walk, there is no moment to miss. And if today Little is 10 months old, Father and Mother must have noticed some of the developments that occurred.

10 Months Consumable Baby Food or Not Consumable

At this age, Little One is good at babbling, crawling, sitting, standing, or even walking with the help of holding the furniture. Little One can already be introduced with food that is chopped or cut small and eats three times a day with healthy snacks. Babies can also consume a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains, meat, and yogurt. Mother can even give Little Baby food 10 months more thick or solid. Mother can also cut the ripe carrot or apple peeled into small to be gripped to train the ability of teeth that have grown.

In addition to breastmilk, the following baby food for 10 months that can be consumed by the baby:

Various Baby Foods 10 Months For Your Baby

  • Wheat cereal, oats, or iron-fortified cereal mixtures.
  • Protein from beef, poultry, boneless fish, and tofu are cut into small pieces.
  • Protein from cooked beans.
  • Fruit avocado, pears, or softened bananas.
  • Vegetable carrots, squash, potatoes, or crushed sweet potatoes.
  • Soft pasteurized cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt.
  • Scrambled eggs, special baby crackers.

However, there is still a recommended food avoided to be given to the Little in the first year, namely:

  • Whole grains, should not be given at least until the child is 5 years old because it can make the child choke.
  • High-fiber, low-calorie, low-fat foods. Little needs energy-laden food.
  • Eggs are half cooked or raw. Make sure to give the egg a ripe.
  • Some species of fish such as shark, swordfish (a swordfish), marlin that may contain mercury. Do not also provide raw food to children to reduce the risk of food poisoning.
  • Honey, containing bacteria that can damage the digestion of children to cause infant botulism syndrome in which muscles become weak and difficult to breathe.
  • It is advisable not to add salt to baby food for 10 months because the kidneys have not been able to work properly.
  • A sweet or sugary 10-month baby diet is not good for the development of a baby tooth. You can add a little sugar to the food if it is necessary.

10 Month Baby Food Recipes

If Mother is looking for a 10-month baby food variation, the following three healthy and easy recipes can be practiced.

Apple and Chicken

  • 1/3 cup boneless chicken powder, cut into small pieces and cook until cooked
  • 1/4 cup apple peeled poultry until soft
  • The handful of carrots (option)
  • A pinch of cinnamon powder (option)

How to create:
  • Mix and crush chicken, apple, and carrot with the blender.
  • Add cinnamon.
  • Puree the mixture until it can be consumed by Little. Add water if needed.

Pumpkin and Apples

  • 1 cup of fresh pumpkin powder, peeled and diced
  • 2 cups of apple powder, peeled, cored, and chopped
  • 1 cup water vapor
  • A pinch of cinnamon powder.

How to create:
  • Mix all ingredients in a pan.
  • Cook over low heat until the pumpkin and apple are tender and tender.
  • Chill and crush.

Sweet Spinach

  • 1 medium ripe banana
  • 2-3 cups of spinach sprouts
  • Water

How to create:
  • Steam spinach for 5-7 minutes until withered.
  • Put bananas and spinach into a food processor or blender, crush it until it reaches the desired viscosity.

There are things to note, if Mother wants to introduce a line of new foods to Little, give one by one. Then wait two to three days before giving any other food. Useful to find out if Little Person suffering from allergies to certain foods or not.

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