Find Out How Much Your Fetus Is 6 Months Normal

Body Health
One indication of a healthy pregnancy is fetal weight according to gestational age. The following is further information about 6 months' fetal weight. What you need to know, the growth of the length and weight of the fetus is different from each other. No need to worry too much if the fetus is smaller or bigger when examined by ultrasound. However, consult a doctor about this.

Calculating Additions

The 6-month gestation begins with the calculation of the 25th to 28th weeks of pregnancy. In general, the weight of a 6-month fetus has a range of 660 grams - 1 kilogram with a length of 35-38 cm.

Find Out How Much Your Fetus Is 6 Months Normal

Following is the development of fetal weight 6 months per week:

  • On week 25, the fetus weighs around 660 grams with a length of about 35 cm, from the top of the head to the feet. At this time, the fetus's body will begin to appear filled with fat so that the skin looks smoother. When the mother's stomach is given light from a flashlight, the baby will turn his head. This is a sign that the nerves of his eyes are active.
  • On Week 26, fetal weight is around 760 grams with a length of about 36 cm. At present, the fetus starts trying to open its eyes. He starts to show a response when touched or when he sees light.
  • On Week 27, the fetus will reach about 875 grams with a length of about 36 cm from head to foot. At present, the fetus is able to open and close the eyes, and sleep and wake up with a certain rhythm. The part of his brain is really active now. Some experts believe, the fetus began to dream at that time.
  • On Week 28, the weight of the fetus will increase to around 1 kg and the length will reach 38 cm. The fetus is able to turn its head when it sees light and is getting used to blinking. More and more fat layers are formed throughout the body, along with bone formation.

Supporting factors

Along with the increase in fetal weight 6 months, the development of the body and brain of the fetus is very fast, so it is very necessary for adequate nutritional support for pregnancy. Pregnant women can eat fiber-rich foods including wheat and brown rice which are high in B vitamins, supplemented with nuts and vegetables. These nutrients can also overcome pregnancy complaints such as preventing frequent urination.

The uterus continues to grow as the fetus develops. At 6 months of gestation, the uterus has almost reached the ribs which make pregnant women sometimes short of breath. Pregnant women may also experience itching in the stomach, hemorrhoids, varicose veins or leg cramps during pregnancy. For this reason, it is important to check the pregnancy regularly. As with the examination of pregnancy, during a 6-month pregnancy, a blood pressure check was performed. If deemed necessary, the doctor will ask for a urine examination to determine the possibility of preeclampsia or gestational diabetes (high blood sugar levels during pregnancy).

At the age of 7 months before pregnancy, this is a good time for pregnant women who want to take birth preparation classes. In addition to physical exercise such as gymnastics, generally, this kind of class can provide information about the birthing process and parenting techniques in the first days after birth. It is important to check pregnancy according to the doctor or midwife's advice, to find out if the 6-month fetus is appropriate. Eat nutritious food and avoid excessive physical activity.

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