Hair Loss After Childbirth Is Normal and Can Be Overcome

Body Health
Hair loss after giving birth often panics women. One of these conditions is feared to cause baldness which reduces their confidence. Actually, hair loss in new mothers is generally normal and nothing to worry about. This event will usually afflict women in the first few months after the birth of their child. But over time, this condition will improve and the hair will grow back to normal at least until the first year of age.

This is what happened behind the phenomenon

Actually, hair loss occurs every day and this is a normal hair growth cycle. It's just that, when women undergo the pregnancy process, they do not experience the hair loss cycle as usual. This is because the levels of the hormone estrogen in the body experience a surge that prolongs the growth phase of the hair and fewer hairs that experience hair loss.

That's why during pregnancy, women can have thicker hair than before pregnancy. In other words, the phenomenon of hair loss after childbirth is an event that is closely related to the number of hormones in the body. Don't panic and rush into thinking that the body is experiencing a lack of nutrition or vitamins.

Hair Loss After Childbirth Is Normal and Can Be Overcome

After giving birth, estrogen production returns to normal levels and hair that should have fallen will continue to the normal cycle. That is why the number of hairs that fall out looks more than usual. This condition usually lasts a few months after giving birth until the little one is six months old. In some cases, there are also women who experience this phase for a year.

This is the Right Way in Facing the Conditions

Instead of panic over hair loss after giving birth, women are advised to take some hair care measures like this.

Treat hair gently

When dealing with hair loss after giving birth, treating hair gently can at least reduce its severity. The gentle treatment includes applying a less stressful hairstyle. For that, avoid braiding, ponytailing and tying the ponytails. Also make sure to gently comb your hair, especially when your hair is wet after shampooing because at this time the condition of the hair is more fragile so it is prone to falling or breaking.

Reduce the use of hair dryers and straighteners

For hair to avoid further damage, reducing the use of hair dryers and straighteners can be a major consideration. If you feel uncomfortable because of wet hair, make sure the tools used are set at a lower level of effectiveness.

Be careful when using conditioner

The use of conditioner can make hair look weak and 'fall', making it look thinner. Apply conditioner only to the ends of the hair and while avoiding being exposed to the scalp. Related to this need, try to use a type of conditioner dedicated to the treatment of thin hair.

Use hair thickening shampoo

For the sake of anticipating hair loss after giving birth, try using thickening hair shampoo. This kind of product generally has a useful protein to coat the hair. In addition to this type, shampoos and conditioners that contain biotin and silica are also predicted to help women go through this worrying phase.

There is no harm in trying a new hairstyle

The hair loss phase after giving birth is probably the perfect time to try a new hairstyle. The freshness of the charm of a new hairstyle might improve the mood that is clearly uncomfortable in these times.

Colouring hair

Getting around hair loss after giving birth can also be done by coloring the hair. This will be a good camouflage to cover the shrinkage of hair.

Add accessories to the hair

Disguise thinning hair due to hair loss with headbands, scarves, or bandanas can form a distinctive style that looks cooler.

Eating healthy foods

To help regrow hair growth, prioritize eating foods that contain vitamins B, C, E, biotin, and zinc. This group of nutrients is well known for supporting hair and nail growth.

If the technique to deal with or deal with hair loss after giving birth above is still not able to relieve the heart, it is recommended to consult with a doctor in order to get more effective medical treatment.

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