Fathers Must Be Good at Caring for Babies

Body Health
Fathers Must Be Good at Caring for Babies - One of the keys to the success of the baby in the future is the involvement of the father during childcare. This has been proven by hundreds of studies conducted over the past four decades to confirm this. Fathers who are involved in baby care from an early age will also determine future success, social life, and academic value in school. Even a research review suggests that babies who have more closeness with their fathers are likely to have more stable emotions, are confident in dealing with situations, and are more eager to explore the environment.

Seeing the facts above, it is appropriate for fathers to revise the view that taking care of babies is only appropriate for their mothers. From now on, immediately get more involved in the life of your baby. Some of the things below can be applied to realize the closeness of the father with the baby.

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Fathers Must Be Good at Caring for Babies

Build closeness early

Building an initial bond with the baby is done shortly after the little one is born by touching it. This means a lot because studies show that a father who attends the birth of a baby and touches it shortly after birth can have a very similar bond with the baby and his mother during the first weeks of the baby's birth.

The sooner the father builds closeness with the baby, the better the effect will be for the future of both. The closeness that is built will form the trust of the baby to his father. Furthermore, as the baby grows older, the father can strengthen relationships with various physical games, such as holding on the back or lifting the baby.

The night belongs to father

Working during the day is not a reason for not having the closeness to a baby. The night is the right time to make the baby closer to the father. In addition to giving his wife a chance to rest, the role of nanny at night will provide valuable time for the father and baby. It's easy, just make milk when the baby cries.

Be a father who is good at changing diapers

Changing diapers has long been regarded as a monopoly for mothers while doing this will help closeness between father and baby. When changing diapers, a father can make verbal communication with his baby. Dad can also speak in special sounds so the baby can smile or laugh. This kind of activity, in addition to helping to strengthen the bond between father and baby, can also prevent the father's focus from the unpleasant smell of baby diapers.

Clever children to cry

Fathers who participate in babysitting may get frustrated quickly to find babies who continue to cry. In fact, not a few are directly handed over to the mother in order to eliminate their tears. In fact, several ways can be done by the father to silence the baby.

Singing, taking the baby for a walk, shaking the baby, to giving a baby pacifier are some ways that can be done. This in addition to strengthening the bond between fathers and infants also makes fathers learn that they can also provide what babies need. Of course, this applies if your child cries not because of hunger.

Do not hesitate to leave when the baby is sick

Being a standby father does not only apply when the wife is about to give birth. This can also be addressed when the baby is sick. Taking part in checking a sick baby to the hospital is important for fathers to do. This is also a place for fathers to hear from doctors about the development and growth of the baby. Of course, this will also further strengthen the bond between father and son.

Although the involvement of the father of baby care like the things above seems trivial, the impact can be significant for the baby in the future. Studies show that juvenile delinquency in children who have a good relationship with their father and mother is less than that of teenagers who only have a good relationship with their mother. That is, the presence of fathers makes a big difference in the lives of babies.
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