How to Fatten the Body Naturally

Body Health
Not everyone is comfortable having a thin or slim body. Some people often find it difficult to gain weight, so they have a body that is too thin. Then, how to fatten the right body and healthy? Check out the following review. Being underweight is as dangerous as being overweight. If you have a very thin body and intend to gain weight, you need to focus on the nutritional content of the food you consume, how often you eat, when is the right time to eat, and when to consume snacks.

This is how to fatten the body in the right way

If you want to gain weight, you should not just choose food. Not all food is good for eating. Here are some ways to fat your body that you can do:

How to Fatten the Body Naturally
How to Fatten the Body Naturally

Eat more often

If you are underweight, you may feel full faster. Therefore, a good way to fatten your body is to eat more often. Eat five to six times a day but in small portions. This method is better than eating three large meals.

Careful in choosing food

If you want to gain weight, you must be more careful in choosing foods that will be consumed. Choose foods that are rich in nutrients. For example, whole wheat bread, pasta, cereals, fruits, vegetables, dairy products, lean protein sources, nuts, and seeds.

Consumption of good fatty foods

Unsaturated fats contain high calories and are good for the body. This type of fat can help you gain weight, without causing harmful effects on health. Examples of foods high in unsaturated fats are avocados and nuts. You can add avocados to a piece of bread, or can make it a snack in the afternoon.

Drinking milk

Drinking milk is a way to get lots of high-quality protein and calories.

Eating Rules

To fatten the body, you are advised to eat calorie and protein foods first, then afterward consume vegetables.

Exercise regularly

Sports, especially those that exercise strength, can help you gain weight and build muscle. Exercise can also stimulate your appetite, you know.

Do not smoke

Smokers tend to have less weight, compared to nonsmokers. If you want to fatten the body, it is recommended to stop smoking.

Get enough sleep

Adequate and quality sleep is very important for your muscle growth. This is also one way to fatten the body.

When you want to fatten your body, it's a good idea to stay away from fast food and junk food. Even though you can gain weight, these foods do not contain the nutrients your body needs. Keep in mind, there is no instant way to fatten weight. It takes time and patience to get a healthy weight gain.  Determining the ideal body weight must be following your body mass index.

If you have applied the natural body fat method above but your weight has not gained, you should consult a doctor to get a body fat method that suits your physical condition.

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