Important Protein Functions Support the Body Ready for Activity

Body Health
Ensuring that the intake of protein consumed daily is sufficient is very necessary. Because, protein has an important function in the body, from the source of energy to the production of various enzymes and hormones that ensure the body is functioning normally. When food containing protein is consumed, the digestive system will break down into amino acids the body needs for various organs including muscles, bones, and blood.

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Important Protein Functions Support the Body Ready for Activity

Various Functions of Protein

Here are the various benefits and functions of protein:

  • Energy sources
  • Protein is one of the important sources of energy for the body besides carbohydrates. Suggested proteins such as lean meat, poultry, seafood, beans, and soybeans.
  • Prevents hair loss
  • Eating foods that are rich in protein can make hair stronger. This is because, adequate-protein consumption can stimulate the production of keratin, which is the protein needed to prevent hair loss.
  • Maintaining body tissue
  • The function of the protein in the body is to build, maintain, and replace tissue in the body that has been damaged. Muscles, organs, and the immune system require adequate protein intake to function properly.
  • Supports skin health
  • Amino acids in proteins can form collagen, which is the protein needed by the skin. Not surprisingly, one of the functions of protein is to maintain healthy skin.
  • Helps grow and develop children
  • Protein is an important part of the formation of cells in the body, so it has an important role in the development and growth of children. Therefore, for optimal growth and development of children, it is advisable to encourage children to eat foods that are rich in protein.
  • Maintain bone health and prevent osteoporosis
  • Not only calcium and vitamin D are good for bone health, but protein also contributes to bone health to minimize one's risk of osteoporosis. Some research shows, foods that contain high protein have good benefits on bone density and mineral content in bones.

Although the function of the protein is fairly diverse, but not to consume excessively. The bad effects of too much protein include abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, high blood pressure, gout, and causing the liver and kidneys to work harder.

Suggested Sources of Protein

To get adequate protein intake, you are advised to eat high-protein foods such as various types of seafood that contain omega 3 and 6, lean chicken meat, eggs, and lean meat.

Other protein sources such as soybeans, peas, to dairy products such as cheese and yogurt can also be an option so that the function of a protein can work properly.

So that the function of a protein can bring health benefits, at the age of toddlers, it is advisable to consume foods that contain at least 10 grams of protein every day. School-age children before entering their teens need 19-34 grams of protein per day. As for teenage boys 52 grams and teenage girls 46 grams per day.

Like teenagers, adult men also need more protein than women. Men need to consume about 56 grams of protein and women about 46 grams a day. This condition will be different if a woman is breastfeeding or pregnant. In pregnant or nursing women, protein intake reaches at least 71 grams a day.

The function of protein is very important so that the body can carry out activities properly. However, it still limits protein intake as needed. For those of you who have allergies to foods containing protein, it is advisable to consult about alternative intake to the doctor or nutritionist.

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