Sick palms, these are some of the causes

Body Health

Sick palms, these are some of the causes

The palm or the medical language of the metacarpus is the area on the lower hand from the finger to the wrist. As many as 17 of the total 34 muscles that connect the fingers are located in the palm. The muscles are connected to the skeletal bones of the hand through a series of tendons. Palm skin is not wide, only 4 percent of all body skin. However, if your palm skin has certain medical conditions, the impact can reduce a person's quality of life. When the palms hurt, one can have difficulty holding and touching so that it impedes work.

Then what are the medical conditions that can occur in the palm? Let's look at the types of diseases and their treatment recommendations below.


Warts on the palms and soles of the feet are commonly experienced by children. The shape is a small nodule or it can be large. Warts are non-cancerous skin growths. The cause is an infection of certain types of human papillomavirus (HPV) virus in the upper skin layer. Warts can spread from person to person, both directly and indirectly. If the child holds an object that has been held by a wart sufferer, the child can get warts.

Sick palms, these are some of the causes
Sick palms, these are some of the causes

Warts are actually harmless and can disappear on their own without treatment after about two years. But if it is annoying, you can try to handle it with a number of choices. Treatment for warts may not be easy and can take several weeks to monthly. You can try attaching duct tape to the wart for six days. After that, remove the duct tape and soak the wart in water while rubbing it with pumice. Repeat this process until the wart disappears. This method may take several months.

In addition to this method, you can also use a relatively more effective topical wart exfoliating agent. Other treatments are doctor's care by freezing warts using liquid nitrogen, using a laser, or surgically. Doctors may also inject drugs that strengthen the immune system so that the body can fight the virus.

Hand Eczema

Eczema can arise in the palms or feet. Eczema on the hands is inflammation of the skin of the hand that is not contagious. Although the exact cause is unknown, eczema arises due to a combination of various factors, including genetic factors, environmental factors such as frequent contact with water, dry skin conditions, immune system disorders, or direct contact with allergens and irritant triggers.

Usually, skin inflammation associated with hand eczema is accompanied by the formation of blister bubbles, severe itching, and calluses and painful tears. Sometimes hand eczema is difficult to distinguish from allergic contact dermatitis, atopic dermatitis, and psoriasis because these three conditions also have similar symptoms, namely the skin that secretes fluid and then hardens (forming crusts).

Forms of treatment for this condition include skin care, hand protection, the use of ointments or creams to reduce inflammation and help cure the skin, light therapy, and therapy may be needed using drugs and injections.


Psoriasis is a long-term (chronic) autoimmune disease that makes the sufferer's skin grow fast. This condition is characterized by skin cells that multiply ten times more than normal conditions. This results in skin effects such as white scaly. Psoriasis on the hands and feet can also cause the skin to redden, swell, and blister. In addition to the palms, psoriasis can also occur in the knees, elbows, legs, and torso.

The cause of psoriasis is not fully understood but is thought to be associated with immune system disorders. Psoriasis triggers include streptococcal infection, trauma, emotional stress, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, and cold temperatures.

A common way to relieve psoriasis symptoms in the hands and feet is to use soft moisturizer and soap. Besides that, you can use cream products or coal tar gel to slow down the growth of skin cells and relieve itching, inflammation, and scaly skin. Doctors can also give corticosteroid creams or ointments. Meanwhile, salicylic acid can help exfoliate the skin which is used to soften the skin or reduce the thickening of the scales. The combination of these methods is usually better than just undergoing one of the treatments.

Psoriasis is related to the condition of the immune system, so if the treatment is not effective, doctors usually prescribe one of the drugs from low-dose retinoids, cyclosporine, or methotrexate. To prevent or fight the conditions above, a strong immune system is needed. In addition to maintaining cleanliness including the palms, we need to apply a healthy lifestyle and manage emotions well.

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