This is the Stage of Development for 1 Year Children

Body Health
This is a 1-year child development guide that you must read. What you need to know about the development of a 1-year-old child. In his first year, the baby seemed busy recognizing himself and the functions of his limbs. At the age of 12 months, he realized how attractive the world around him was. In his mind, the little one might be impatient to try to stand up and walk. The 12 month age stage can be the busiest moment for the mother. Little ones sleep time is reduced, so are your rest hours. But believe me, you can certainly handle it.

Physical development of a 1-year child

12-month-old babies generally weigh between 7 and 10 kg. While the length/height of his body has reached 70-77 cm. However, don't worry if your baby's weight and height haven't reached this number. Remember, every child is blessed with a different rate of development. This guide to the development of 1-year-old children is not a dead number.

At this age, your child already has the desire to walk, but there are also those who haven't. There is a 1-year-old child who has not been able to walk because he needs more time to strengthen his footrest on the floor. Your little one might have been able to stand up and walk around while holding on to the guest table or sofa. If he has been able to walk a few steps without holding onto your lap, wall or table, this is a sign that he will soon be able to walk on his own.

This is the Stage of Development for 1 Year Children
This is the Stage of Development for 1 Year Children

Your wallet can be an interesting toy for 12 months of babies.

A 1-year-old child likes to put a few things in a toy box, then takes out all the contents. It could be that he would empty the contents of your bag or wallet and make a change, powder or anything in it spilled on the floor. Cheer up because this is a sign of a normal 1-year-old child's development because his motor skills are developing.

Lefty symptoms began to appear

Try to see if he often uses his right hand or left hand when reaching for something. The possibility of left-handed children can be seen at this age.

Fine motor skills that can be seen at this age are the ability to hold a cup, hold biscuits or other foods and desire to wear clothes without your help. 12-month-old babies also began to show interest in playing. He may have been able to throw balls or other objects, run wheeled toys on the floor (such as cars) and go up and down the couch or bed.

Development of 1-year children, cognitive aspects

The age of 12 months is the starting point of the baby starting to realize the existence of themselves and the surrounding environment. He began to realize how wide and interesting the world in which he lived had been. He used to be satisfied when you were nearby or carrying him everywhere, now no longer. He may often ask to get down from your arms and want to crawl or walk on his own, especially if he is first coming to a place.

12 months of age is the stage where the child's memory begins to develop. This is the right time to introduce babies to shapes and colors. But your child takes longer to be able to recognize all shapes and colors correctly. Awareness of the existence of the surrounding environment is usually followed by the awareness of the child towards his role in the environment. Gradually he began to understand that everything he did would produce a reaction. He began to know that he had the ability to do something. Maybe he can invite you to play ball, or point to something he wants. There are times when he suddenly hits your nose when you are watching TV.

This is a sign that he is asking you to joke. So, don't scold your child for disturbing your concentration watching TV shows. Your child can wave or kiss your cheek when you say goodbye to going to work. Working mothers will find new enthusiasm to see the behavior of the baby for 12 months.

Development of 1-year children, social and emotional

For the little one, the world is so vast, fun, sometimes scary. Your child may have confidence walking along to other areas of the house. But he will turn his head towards you occasionally, wanting to make sure you are not far away from him. Your child may show a fussy reaction when you first leave it in a daycare center, or at a new babysitter. Try to dizzy your head and not get excited about work, because this is the child's normal reaction when he is left with someone he just knows.

Your 12-month baby is learning to recognize and differentiate those around him beside you. The positive side of entrusting children in daycare is that he can meet other children his age. Your little one can now establish intimacy with someone other than his father and mother. Your little one can now establish intimacy with someone other than his father and mother. Your little one may cry when you leave her in a daycare center. But shortly after you left he was already playing.

He wants to be able to do everything

You also have been able to find out the signs of stubbornness in your child. Among other things, he tried to grab a jar of his favorite biscuits without your help. Or maybe he tried to use his shoes even though he couldn't. If it's not at risk, you can let your child do what he wants. Hold the desire involved in his activities, unless he approaches or pulls your hand for help.

Don't want to share with other children

Your 12-month baby may be unpleasant when playing with another baby. He might hit or grab other children's toys. Don't panic because he is learning about the law of cause and effect. "Do you think I might take this toy from that bald boy there?" Maybe this is what he thought at that time. You can invite him to talk by saying it can't. But avoid actions or sayings that indicate you are angry with him.

Development of 1-year-old child, language aspect

Inviting your child to talk is not a futile act, even though he can't answer or reply to what you say. Or answer you with 'planetary language'.

At the age of 12 months or 1 year to 5 years is the golden age of a child. At this age, the child's brain is busy working and remembering many things, including vocabulary. He tries to remember the nouns you say and match them to the object. Your little one may have understood a passive phrase like "Mama ask for the ball," or "Put this ball in the box." But you must say this while pointing to the object you are referring to.

Squat or bend your body when saying this to your little one. Look into his eyes so he understands that you are talking to him, and not to anyone else in the room. Maybe he has been able to say a word that will melt your heart: "Mama", "Mother", or "Father". You can also hear him blabbering while playing a doll or his cars as if he were inviting his toys to talk.

Don't be prejudiced if your child hasn't said a word right at this age. Speaking is an ability that requires the movement of small muscles. While 1-year-old children are concentrating on developing their large muscle abilities. Older people say, babies who run smoothly usually need more time to talk fluently, and vice versa.

Now, we know that this opinion is true. Babies who are busy learning to walk are full of concentration on how to not fall. No wonder he doesn't talk much. Even though your little one looks quiet, this doesn't mean he ignores you. Keep talking to him at every opportunity. One effective way is to read a book or storytelling for him at bedtime.

12 months old baby's health and nutrition

Your child may also show difficult eating behavior. As we get older, toddlers will be more busy moving and their interest in food will decrease. So, throw away your worries. Forcing children to eat is definitely not a wise act, instead, it can make it grow into a stubborn child. At the age of 1 year, the baby's digestive system is almost completely formed. This means you can start introducing cow's milk to him.

Notice whether the child shows symptoms of lactose intolerance. Indeed, these symptoms can disappear by themselves. But this also means that your baby's body takes longer to get used to lactose-containing products, except cheese and yogurt. Don't forget to prepare a smartphone or a camera near you, Mother. Be the first person to witness your baby's first, second or third steps. Then capture this success in a portrait and your heart forever.

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