7 Benefits of Ice Water for Health

Body Health
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7 Benefits of Ice Water for Health

Sebagian orang menjauhi air es karena mengira bahwa kebiasaan minum air es bisa menimbulkan penyakit tertentu. Padahal, air es memiliki beragam manfaat tubuh, misalnya menurunkan demam, menghidrasi tubuh setelah berolahraga, atau menjaga kelembapan kulit.

Setiap hari, tubuh Anda kehilangan cairan melalui keringat, urine, dan napas. Oleh karena itu, Anda disarankan untuk banyak minum air putih, baik air es atau pun air biasa, agar tidak mengalami dehidrasi. Pada orang dewasa, konsumsi air putih yang dianjurkan adalah sebanyak 2 liter atau setara dengan 8 gelas per hari.

Various Benefits of Ice Water for Health

In addition to providing a fresh taste, ice also has health benefits, including:

1. Relieves fever and treats sore throat

Fever is a sign that the body is fighting inflammation or infection in the body. The heat experienced by the body when a fever can be reduced in several ways, including drinking ice water and wearing comfortable clothes that can absorb sweat. When you have a fever and sore throat, the body must also get a good intake of fluids to prevent dehydration. In this case, ice water can be useful to reduce pain and restore lost body fluids.

2. Hydrate the body after exercise

When you exercise, your body temperature will increase. This body heat will sweat a lot and make the body tired quickly. To help cool down and relieve fatigue, try drinking ice water after a workout.

3. Relieve muscle pain

When experiencing muscle pain due to sprains, ice water can be used to treat the condition. The trick, compress the painful and swollen part with a cloth soaked in ice water. Ice water compresses can reduce swelling and pain. In addition to ice water, alternate with warm water compresses to improve blood flow to the muscles.

4. Lose weight

Our bodies will automatically work harder to warm the water we drink, so that it also burns calories to support the body's metabolic processes. Therefore, regularly drinking ice water or plain water is believed to be able to lose weight. To get the desired weight, it is recommended to drink a glass of water or ice water before eating. This can make the stomach feel fuller, so that the portion of food consumed can be reduced.

5. Prevent and relieve constipation

Drinking plenty of water, both cold water and plain water, can help relieve and prevent constipation, especially for people who don't drink enough water.

6. Make it easier for kidney stones to be wasted through urine

Kidney stone disease can be caused by various factors, one of which is the habit of not drinking enough water. Adequate fluid intake can help the kidneys work to prevent the formation of kidney stones and remove small kidney stones.

If you are tired of drinking plain water, try adding a squeeze of lemon or lime juice to cold water to give it a sour taste. In addition, the sour taste that is felt due to the presence of citric acid in it is believed to inhibit the formation of kidney stones.

7. Make skin healthy

When not properly hydrated, the skin will feel rough, dry, and lose its elasticity. By drinking enough water or ice water, skin health will be maintained. Not only drinking, bathing with ice or cold water can also be beneficial for the skin. The reason is, bathing with ice water will increase blood flow in the skin, so the skin looks more moist and fresh.

Actually, there is no difference between ice water and ordinary water when it enters the body, because the temperature of ice water will be warmed up to the temperature in the body. There is a myth that says that menstruating women should not drink cold water because it can interfere with the menstrual cycle. However, this has not been proven true and so far there is no research that can prove it.

Although ice water is beneficial for health, its consumption must still be considered. When drunk in a hurry, cold drinks can cause headaches. If you experience complaints related to drinking ice water, consult your doctor for appropriate treatment.

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