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Hamstring Injury, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, Complications |
A hamstring injury is a condition when the back of the thigh muscle (hamstring) is pulled or torn. Although it can happen to anyone, hamstring injuries are more common in athletes.
The hamstrings are made up of three large muscles located at the back of the thigh and extending from the hip to the bottom of the knee. These muscles play an important role in running, jumping, and climbing.
A person can get a hamstring injury from physical exercise or sports, such as soccer, basketball, or tennis.
Causes of Hamstring Injury
Hamstring injuries are caused by overstretching the back of the thigh muscles, especially during sudden and explosive movements. Factors that can increase a person's risk of developing a hamstring injury include:
- Have weak hamstring muscles
- Not stretching and warming up before exercise
- Ignoring the condition of the body that is already tired to keep exercising
- Have a history of previous hamstring injuries
- Have poor muscle flexibility
- Weakening of muscles due to age
Hamstring Injury Symptoms
Symptoms of a hamstring injury depend on the severity of the sufferer, as described below:
Level 1
Grade 1 severity results from a slight tug or strain on the hamstring muscles. Symptoms can include aches or pains that radiate down the back of the thigh muscles and difficulty moving one or both legs.
Level 2
Grade 2 hamstring injuries occur when a portion of the hamstring muscle is torn. Symptoms at this stage include swelling and bruising in the back of the thigh, as well as muscle weakness in the injured leg.
Level 3
Grade 3 injuries occur when the entire hamstring muscle is torn. This condition causes sufferers to experience complaints, such as swelling, bruising, pain when pressed, making it difficult to stand or walk.
When to go to the doctor
Minor hamstring injuries can generally be managed independently at home. However, if the symptoms do not improve immediately and interfere with activities, immediately consult a doctor to get the right treatment.
It is also recommended to see a doctor if a hamstring injury prevents you from walking or if the injured area is very painful.
Hamstring Injury Diagnosis
The diagnosis of a hamstring injury is made by asking questions about the patient's symptoms, followed by a physical examination. On physical examination, the doctor will see swelling and tender spots in the back of the thigh muscle that is suspected to be injured.
A physical examination can help the doctor diagnose the severity of the patient's injury. The doctor will also move the injured leg to find out where the muscle is damaged and determine if there is an injury to the ligaments or tendons.
If the patient has a severe hamstring injury, the muscle may tear or detach from the bone. To diagnose this condition, the doctor will perform supporting examinations, such as ultrasound, X-rays, and MRI, to see the condition of the muscles and surrounding tissues.
Hamstring Injury Treatment
Treatment of hamstring injuries aims to relieve pain and swelling experienced by the patient. Treatment methods that can be done include:
Self care
To treat minor hamstring injuries, patients can perform some simple treatments at home known as RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation). Here is the explanation:
- rest
- Avoid doing strenuous activities or putting weight on your feet. If necessary, use an assistive device, such as a cane, to keep the injured hamstring muscle from bearing too much weight.
- Ice
- Use a cold compress on the injured hamstring muscle for a maximum of 20 minutes every 2-3 hours per day. Be sure to coat the ice with a cloth so it doesn't hit the skin directly.
- Compression
- Wrap an elastic bandage over the injured area to reduce swelling. However, avoid wrapping the bandage too tightly.
- Elevation
- Ensure that the injured hamstring is elevated when sitting or lying down by supporting it with a pillow. This serves to reduce swelling.
Your doctor can prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen or naproxen, to treat hamstring injuries. This medication is used to relieve pain and inflammation.
Patients will be advised to undergo physiotherapy after the pain and swelling subsides. Through physiotherapy, the doctor will provide special exercises to train flexibility and strengthen the hamstring muscles.
If the muscle detaches from the bone as a result of a strong pull, the doctor will perform surgery to reattach the loose muscle.
Hamstring Injury Complications
Patients with hamstring injuries can experience complications if they do strenuous activities before their condition is fully recovered. Complications that can occur include:
- Repeat injury
- Muscles shrink due to infrequent use due to overuse of assistive devices, such as sticks
Hamstring Injury Prevention
Hamstring injuries can be prevented by doing the following:
- Do stretching and strengthening hamstring muscles regularly
- Stretch and warm up before exercise, and cool down after exercise
- Increase the intensity of exercise or physical exercise regularly
- Stop exercising or exercise if you feel pain in the back of the thigh
- Eat a balanced nutritious diet
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