Sexual Dysfunction, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, Complications

Body Health

Sexual dysfunction is a condition in which men or women are not sexually satisfied. Sexual dysfunction can happen anytime and to anyone. Even so, the possibility of sexual dysfunction is greater in older people. 

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Sexual Dysfunction, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, Complications

There are various types of sexual dysfunction that can occur in men or women. Sexual dysfunction can be in the form of a loss of desire for sexual intercourse, it can also be in the form of an inability to feel sexual stimulation even though there is a desire to have sex.

In other types of sexual dysfunction, a person has a desire to have sex and can feel sexual stimulation, but cannot reach climax (orgasm). Sufferers of sexual dysfunction can also feel pain or pain during sexual intercourse.

Causes of Sexual Dysfunction

The causes of sexual dysfunction are generally divided into two types, namely physical factors and psychological factors. Sexual dysfunction that occurs due to physical factors can be caused by the following diseases:

  • Hormonal disorders
  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Nerve diseases, such as Parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis
  • Injury to the nerves, especially the nerves that control erections
  • Side effects of certain medications, such as antidepressants

In both men and women, hormonal disturbances can result in sexual dysfunction. For example, decreased levels of the hormone estrogen during menopause can reduce sexual desire in women. Meanwhile, a decrease in the male hormone testosterone can also reduce the desire to engage in sexual activity.

Not only physical disorders, sexual dysfunction can also occur due to psychological disorders, such as:

  • stress
  • Worry
  • Excessive worry about sexual performance
  • Problems in a relationship or marriage
  • Depression
  • Guilt
  • Past trauma, including sexual abuse

Sexual dysfunction is also at higher risk in people who have some of the following factors:

  • Smoking habit
  • Obesity
  • Elderly
  • Alcohol addiction
  • Have had radiotherapy to the groin area
  • Drug abuse

Symptoms of Sexual Dysfunction

Symptoms of sexual dysfunction depend on the type. In addition, men and women may experience different symptoms. The following are symptoms of sexual dysfunction in women:

  • Loss or decrease in sexual desire

This type of sexual dysfunction is the most common among women. This sexual dysfunction is characterized by a loss of desire or desire to have sex.

  • Disorders of sexual arousal

Sufferers of this type of sexual dysfunction still have the desire to have sex. However, sufferers find it difficult to get aroused or maintain stimulation during sexual intercourse.

  • Pain appears

Pain can appear during sexual intercourse. This condition can occur due to various conditions, such as vaginismus, vaginal dryness, and stiff vaginal muscles.

  • Orgasm disorder

Women who suffer from this type of sexual dysfunction will have difficulty reaching orgasm despite continuous stimulation and stimulation.

As in women, symptoms of sexual dysfunction in men also depend on the type, including:

  • Loss of sexual desire
  • Men who suffer from this type of sexual dysfunction feel a loss or decreased desire to have sex.
  • Erectile dysfunction
  • Erectile dysfunction or impotence will make it difficult for men to keep their penis erect during sexual intercourse.
  • Ejaculation disorders
  • This condition causes men to ejaculate too quickly (premature ejaculation) or take too long during sexual intercourse.

When to see a doctor

Disturbance during sexual intercourse is normal if it only happens occasionally. However, if it occurs repeatedly, you should consult a doctor. Please note, during the consultation, the doctor can talk with the patient and the patient's partner.

Diabetes is a factor that increases a person's risk of experiencing sexual dysfunction. Therefore, diabetics need regular control to the doctor to prevent complications, one of which is sexual dysfunction.

Sexual dysfunction is also prone to occur in drug users. Therefore, stay away from drugs and immediately go to a rehabilitation facility if you are addicted.

Diagnosis of Sexual Dysfunction

Diagnosis of sexual dysfunction begins with thoroughly asking about the patient's sexual activity. The doctor will also ask about the patient's activities and medical history, including the possibility of past events or trauma.

Next, the doctor will carry out a physical examination, including physical changes that can affect sexual activity. During a physical examination, the doctor will examine the patient's genitals.

After that, the doctor will carry out the following tests to find out the cause of sexual dysfunction:

  • Blood tests, to check hormone levels and blood sugar levels
  • Ultrasound, to check blood flow around the genitals
  • Nocturnal penile tumescence (NPT) test, to monitor erections when the patient sleeps at night using a special tool

Sexual Dysfunction Treatment

Diagnosis and treatment of sexual dysfunction requires cooperation from several experts, such as urologists, endocrinologists, obstetricians, andrologists, neurologists, psychiatrists, and sexual therapists. The goal is for patients to get the right diagnosis and treatment options.

Sexual dysfunction treatment aims to address the problem causing sexual dysfunction. Therefore, the treatment will be adjusted to each of these causes.

The following are methods of treating sexual dysfunction:

Consumption of 'strong drugs'

Many people take 'power drugs' or blue pills to treat sexual dysfunction. These drugs can indeed improve performance during sexual intercourse, but can cause side effects such as headaches and impaired vision.

Consumption of 'strong drugs' and stimulant drugs should only be done with the approval of a doctor, because they can cause interference with the work of the heart organ, especially in patients who already have heart disease before.


Psychological therapy is carried out by a psychologist or psychiatrist to help someone overcome psychological disorders that cause sexual dysfunction. An example is therapy to deal with anxiety, fear, or feelings of guilt that impact the patient's sexual function.

In addition, doctors or psychologists will provide understanding to patients about sex and sexual behavior. An understanding of sexual relations is necessary for the patient to overcome anxiety about his sexual abilities.

Therapy sessions can also be done together with your partner to find out about each other's needs and anxieties. That way, obstacles in sexual activity can be overcome.

Medication to treat hormonal disorders

For women with low estrogen levels, estrogen hormone replacement therapy may be given. The goal is to help the elasticity of the vagina by increasing blood flow and lubrication to the vagina. This therapy can be given in the form of a vaginal ring, cream, or tablets.

Whereas for men with low testosterone levels, doctors can provide testosterone hormone therapy to increase testosterone levels in the body.

Medication to treat physical problems

To deal with sexual dysfunction due to an illness is to treat the underlying disease. For example, diabetics will be given metformin or insulin to control blood sugar levels.

Lifestyle changes

To overcome sexual dysfunction, patients also need to adopt a healthy lifestyle, such as exercising regularly, stopping smoking, and stopping consuming alcoholic beverages. This activity can help improve the quality of sexual activity.

Some tools, such as pumps (vacuum) and vibrators, can help women or men overcome sexual problems. In addition, penile implant surgery can also be considered to help men overcome erectile disorders.

Sexual Dysfunction Complications

Sexual dysfunction can cause sufferers to experience complications, especially in their psychological condition. Sufferers of sexual dysfunction can experience the following conditions:

  • Dissatisfaction with sexual activity
  • Problems with spouse to divorce
  • Stress, anxiety, and low self-esteem

Prevention of Sexual Dysfunction

To prevent sexual dysfunction, you can change your behavior and lifestyle to be healthier, namely by:

  • Quit smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages
  • Maintain ideal body weight
  • Manage stress and anxiety well
  • Undergoing rehabilitation to overcome drug abuse

Please note, sexual dysfunction is also a part of the aging process, so it is sometimes difficult to avoid.

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