Endophthalmitis, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, Complications

Body Health

Endophthalmitis is inflammation inside the eyeball which is generally caused by infection. Symptoms of endophthalmitis can include red eyes, eye pain, pus coming out of the eyes, and blurred vision. In most cases, endophthalmitis results from external bacteria or fungi that infect the eyeball. These germs can enter through wounds that occur after eye injuries or eye surgery. Endophthalmitis is an emergency condition that can happen to anyone. If treated late, patients with endophthalmitis can experience permanent blindness. 

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Endophthalmitis, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, Complications

Causes of Endophthalmitis

Endophthalmitis can be caused by infection with germs inside the eyeball. These germs can be bacteria, fungi, viruses, or parasites.

Based on the source of infection, endophthalmitis is divided into two types, namely:

  • Exogenous endophthalmitis
  • Exogenous endophthalmitis occurs due to infection from outside the body. This condition can occur when germs enter the eyeball during eye surgery, injections in the eyeball, or eye injury.
  • Endogenous endophthalmitis
  • Endogenous endophthalmitis is caused by infection from other parts of the body that spreads to the eye. One of them, the infection can come from an infection in the bloodstream.

Endophthalmitis risk factors

There are several conditions that can increase the risk of developing endophthalmitis, including:

  • Damage to the lens of the eye
  • Loss of fluid behind the eyeball
  • Wounds in the eye that are not treated and left open
  • There is a foreign object in the eye
  • Living in a dirty environment puts the eye at risk of getting dirt in it
  • Eye surgery, for example cataract surgery or glaucoma surgery

Endophthalmitis symptoms

Endophthalmitis symptoms can appear days or months after infection. Signs and symptoms of endophthalmitis can include:

  • Red eye
  • Swollen eyelids
  • Pain in the eye that gets worse
  • Sensitive to light
  • Blurred vision
  • Decreased visual acuity
  • Pus discharge from the eye

When to see a doctor

Immediately consult a doctor if you experience the above symptoms after undergoing eye surgery or experiencing an eye injury. The sooner endophthalmitis is treated, the lower the risk of endophthalmitis developing into a more serious condition.

It is also recommended that you go to the doctor for routine control after undergoing eye surgery, for example cataract surgery. Routine controls are carried out so that the doctor can find out the progress of your eye condition.

Endophthalmitis diagnosis

The doctor will ask about the patient's symptoms and history of injury, as well as any surgical procedures that have been undertaken, followed by examining the patient's eyes. To confirm the diagnosis of endophthalmitis, the doctor will also carry out supporting examinations, such as:

  • Ultrasound of the eye, to see the presence of wounds or foreign objects in the eyeball
  • Vitreous tap, namely taking a sample of fluid from inside the eyeball, to determine the type of germ that infects the eyeball

Endophthalmitis Treatment

Treatment of endophthalmitis is based on the cause and severity of the condition of the affected eye. Some of the treatment methods that can be given by doctors are:

  • Antibiotics in injection or topical form, to treat bacterial infections of the eyeball
  • Corticosteroids in injection form, to relieve inflammation inside the eyeball
  • Vitrectomy, to replace infected eye fluid
  • Antifungal in the form of injection or drink, to treat endophthalmitis caused by fungal infections

Endophthalmitis complications

If treated late, endophthalmitis can cause serious complications in the form of:

  • Impaired vision
  • Phthisis bulbi
  • Permanent blindness

Prevention of Endophthalmitis

The way to prevent endophthalmitis is to wear eye protection if you work as a builder, welder, wood sawer, or sports athlete that involves physical contact.

If you are having cataract surgery or other eye surgery, follow your doctor's instructions about what to do after surgery. In addition, carry out routine controls so that the doctor knows the progress of your condition.

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