Premature Ejaculation, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, Complications

Body Health

Definition of Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is a condition when a man releases sperm too quickly during sexual intercourse. This condition can result in not achieving climax or sexual satisfaction in the partner or in the man himself. 

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Premature Ejaculation, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, Complications

Premature ejaculation is common in men. If it occurs occasionally, this condition is nothing to worry about. However, premature ejaculation needs to be treated if it occurs frequently every time you have sex.

Causes and Symptoms of Premature Ejaculation

The cause of premature ejaculation is not known with certainty. However, this condition is thought to be related to psychological factors, such as stress and depression; physical factors, such as hormonal disorders and smoking habits; as well as hereditary factors.

The main symptom of premature ejaculation is the release of sperm less than 1 minute after the start of sexual activity. This condition can be experienced during sexual intercourse with a partner or when masturbating.

Premature Ejaculation Treatment and Prevention

Untreated premature ejaculation can cause stress. Therefore, this condition must be overcome, including by doing Kegel exercises, taking drugs, using topical drugs on the penis, or counseling with a psychiatrist.

Although premature ejaculation is difficult to prevent, the risk of this condition can be avoided. You do this by doing more foreplay, limiting consumption of alcoholic beverages, not smoking, and getting enough rest and sleep.

Causes of Premature Ejaculation

Not yet known exactly what causes premature ejaculation. However, it is suspected that one of the triggers for this condition is psychological factors, such as:

  • stress
  • Depression
  • Guilt and anxiety cannot satisfy a partner
  • Traumatic experiences in childhood, for example, having been sexually abused, or having been caught masturbating
  • The habit of masturbation as a teenager by forcing yourself to ejaculate quickly for fear of being caught red-handed
  • Lack of confidence
  • Less harmonious relationship with partner
  • Perceptions related to sexual relations, for example those related to certain religious beliefs

Apart from psychological factors, premature ejaculation can also be triggered by physical problems, including:

  • Thyroid hormone disorders
  • Prostate disorders, such as prostatitis
  • Disorders of the nervous system that regulate ejaculation
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Substance disorders in the brain
  • Hormonal disorders
  • Nerve damage from injury or surgery
  • Side effects of cigarettes, consumption of alcoholic beverages, and drug use

Hereditary factors can also increase the risk of premature ejaculation. In other words, men whose families suffer from the condition are at increased risk of premature ejaculation.

Symptoms of Premature Ejaculation

The main symptom of premature ejaculation is the inability to delay ejaculation for more than 1 minute. This condition can occur both during sexual intercourse and masturbation.

Premature ejaculation is divided into two, namely:

Primary, which always occurs since the first time sexual activity
Secondary, which occurs without previous ejaculatory problems

Premature ejaculation that only occurs occasionally is normal and common so there is no need to worry. Actually there is no provision for the duration of good sex, because it depends on the satisfaction of each partner.

Based on research, the average time for men to reach ejaculation after penetration is about five and a half minutes.

When to See a Doctor

Consult a doctor if you experience premature ejaculation accompanied by the following complaints:

  • Occurs almost every time during sexual activity
  • Causes loss of self-confidence
  • Hinders the desire to have sex

While it can sometimes be difficult to talk about these issues with others because they often cause embarrassment, getting a checkup can help address the condition you're experiencing.

Diagnosis of Premature Ejaculation

Diagnosis of premature ejaculation begins with examining the patient's health condition, including the patient's psychology and his relationship with his partner. The doctor can also do a physical examination.

If premature ejaculation is suspected to be caused by a mental disorder, the doctor will advise the patient to consult a psychiatrist. Meanwhile, if premature ejaculation is suspected of occurring due to complications of the disease, the doctor will carry out laboratory tests to confirm it. Some of the tests that doctors can do are:

  • Blood test, to determine testosterone hormone levels and thyroid hormone levels
  • Urine test, to detect infection in the body

Premature Ejaculation Treatment

Handling premature ejaculation may take quite a long time. Some of the methods that can be done are:

1. Self-handling

Independent efforts that can be done by sufferers of premature ejaculation include:

  • Masturbate 1-2 hours before sexual intercourse.
  • Use thick condoms to help reduce the sensation of wanting to ejaculate for sufferers whose penises are very sensitive.
  • Do pelvic floor exercises with Kegel exercises every day.
  • Apply deep breathing techniques and rest briefly between penetrations.
  • Perform sexual intercourse with the partner's position above, so that the partner can easily stop penetration when the patient is approaching ejaculation.
  • Take a break and divert your mind to other things so that the desire to ejaculate decreases.
  • Avoid smoking and do not consume alcoholic beverages.

Some drugs that can be used to treat premature ejaculation are:

  • Antidepressant drugs, one of which is the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) class, such as dapoxetine, sertraline, fluoxetine, and paroxetine
  • Analgesic or painkillers, such as tramadol
  • Phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor drugs, such as sildenafil, tadanafil, and vardenafil

3. Ointment

Topical medication for premature ejaculation functions to numb the penis. This drug can be used on the penis just before sexual intercourse. The numbing effect of this topical medication can reduce sensation, thereby delaying ejaculation. However, its use must be accompanied by a doctor's prescription.

4. Counseling

The psychiatrist will ask the patient to tell about things that affect his relationship with his partner, so that together they find a solution. Counseling can help reduce anxiety and stress experienced by couples. Generally, counseling is also combined with drug therapy.

Psychiatrists can also advise patients to do exercise techniques to delay ejaculation (behavior techniques), including:

The “squeeze” technique

This technique begins with masturbation, then stops and immediately squeezes the head of the penis for 10-30 seconds when the feeling of wanting to ejaculate begins to appear. After the penis is released, wait 30 seconds before repeating the same steps. Do this method repeatedly before finally ejaculating.

Technique "stop-start" (stop and go)

This technique is performed during penetration. When you have the desire to ejaculate, immediately remove the penis from the vagina, then take a deep breath. After the desire to ejaculate is gone, continue penetration. Repeat this technique according to the needs of you and your partner.

Premature Ejaculation Prevention

Premature ejaculation can cause stress and problems in the relationship between sufferers and their partners. This condition can cause both dissatisfaction and frustration. Sufferers can also feel embarrassed and lose confidence.

Patients with premature ejaculation are also difficult to have children. This is because premature ejaculation can prevent sperm from entering the vagina, making it difficult for fertilization to occur.

Although difficult to prevent, premature ejaculation can be avoided by trying to be more relaxed during sexual intercourse. Some efforts that can be done are:


Do more stimulation (foreplay) with your partner to increase sexual arousal, even before penetration begins. That way, ejaculation and orgasm can be achieved at the same time.


Masturbation can help men train their bodies to respond to stimulation so they can control ejaculation. This method can also help men to be more confident by knowing which body parts are sensitive to sexual stimulation.

Apart from the two things above, living a healthy lifestyle can also help reduce the risk of premature ejaculation, for example by:

  • Avoid consuming alcoholic beverages
  • Stop smoking habit
  • Do not use NAPZA
  • Get enough rest and sleep
  • Exercising regularly

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