Pharyngitis, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, Complications

Body Health

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Pharyngitis, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, Complications


Pharyngitis, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment, Prevention, Complications

Pharyngitis is inflammation of the throat or pharynx. This condition, which is also called strep throat, is characterized by sore, itchy throat and pain when swallowing.

Pharyngitis is generally caused by a viral infection. Several types of viruses that can cause pharyngitis are Influenza, Rhinovirus, and Epstein-Barr. Although it is more often caused by a viral infection, infection with Streptococcus bacteria can also cause pharyngitis.

Viruses and bacteria that cause pharyngitis very easily spread through the air, for example through splashes of saliva from coughs of people who are inhaled. Although pharyngitis is generally a harmless condition and can heal within a few days, treatment is still needed to relieve the symptoms that arise.

Causes of Pharyngitis

Pharyngitis or sore throat is most often caused by a viral infection. The types of viruses that cause pharyngitis can vary, but generally come from the Influenza, Adenovirus, Rhinovirus, Coronavirus, and Epstein-Barr virus groups.

Pharyngitis can also be caused by the spread of infection from other diseases, such as colds, flu, pertussis, measles, smallpox, and mononucleosis.

In some cases, pharyngitis can also be caused by a bacterial infection. This bacterium usually comes from the Streptococcus A group. Although rare, other bacteria, such as Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, and Corynebacterium diphtheriae, can also cause pharyngitis.

Apart from viruses and bacteria, in rare conditions, Candida yeast infections can also cause pharyngitis.

Pharyngitis risk factors

There are several factors that can increase a person's risk of experiencing pharyngitis, including:

  • 3–15 years old
  • Often exposed to cigarette smoke or pollution
  • Have a history of allergies, such as cold allergies, dust allergies, or animal dander
  • Have a history of sinusitis
  • Often in a dry room, such as an air-conditioned room
  • Have a history of contact with pharyngitis sufferers, for example living with someone with strep throat or working in a hospital
  • Have a weak immune system
  • Suffering from GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease) or acid reflux disease
  • Often do activities that cause tension in the throat muscles, for example by talking or shouting too loudly

Pharyngitis symptoms

Pharyngitis usually only causes symptoms about 2-5 days after the patient has an infection. Some of the symptoms that can arise in patients with pharyngitis include:

  • Sore or sore throat
  • Itching in the throat
  • Difficult to swallow
  • Fever
  • Headache
  • Sore
  • Nauseous vomit
  • Swollen glands in the neck

In addition, other symptoms that can arise are hoarseness and coughing. If the infection extends to the tonsils or tonsils, inflammation and swelling of the tonsils can occur.

When to see a doctor

Check with your doctor if you experience the symptoms of pharyngitis mentioned above, especially if they don't improve within 1 week or are accompanied by symptoms of difficulty swallowing, difficulty breathing, rashes on the skin, making it difficult to open your mouth.

People who have a history of sinusitis, allergies, or stomach acid are more at risk of experiencing pharyngitis. Therefore, if you suffer from one of these diseases, do regular checkups with your doctor to monitor your health condition and prevent pharyngitis.

Pharyngitis diagnosis

To diagnose pharyngitis, the doctor will conduct questions and answers about the patient's complaints and symptoms, as well as trace the patient's medical history.

Next, the doctor will perform a thorough physical examination, including examining the ear, nose, mouth and throat of the patient. Examination of the throat aims to see swelling and redness in the throat.

If necessary, the doctor will ask the patient to carry out a series of supporting examinations to determine the cause of the infection. This supporting examination includes:

  • Throat swab and bacterial culture
  • A throat swab is done by taking a sample from the throat. Next, the doctor will do a culture to detect the presence of bacteria in the sample.
  • Blood test
  • The blood test aims to detect the presence of infection by examining the patient's blood sample.

Pharyngitis Treatment

Treatment of pharyngitis aims to relieve complaints and symptoms, treat infections that cause pharyngitis, and prevent complications. Two steps of treatment that can be done are self-handling and administration of drugs. Here's the explanation:

Independent handling

Self-handling steps that can be taken to treat pharyngitis are:

  • Get enough rest until the condition feels better
  • Don't talk too much, especially if your voice is hoarse
  • Drink enough water so you don't get dehydrated
  • Use a humidifier if the air in the room feels dry
  • Eat foods that are comfortable in the throat, such as warm, brothy soup
  • Gargle with warm salt water to soothe a sore throat
  • Avoid exposure to cigarette smoke and pollution
  • Using over-the-counter heartburn medications

Administration of drugs

If the independent treatment of pharyngitis does not improve the condition within a maximum period of 7 days, the patient needs to see a doctor. The doctor may prescribe several types of drugs, such as:

  • Antibiotics are given for pharyngitis caused by a bacterial infection. The type of antibiotic for strep throat that is usually chosen is penicillin, cefadroxil, amoxicillin, cefaclor, clindamycin, clarithromycin, or erythromycin.
  • Benzocaine is given to treat the sore throat and difficulty swallowing that often occurs with pharyngitis. This ingredient is often found in mouthwash or lozenges.
  • Paracetamol and ibuprofen are anti-fever and painkillers. Medications are given to relieve pain and reduce fever, which can occur during pharyngitis.

It is important to remember, always follow the recommendations and rules for using the drug according to what is given by the doctor, and do not stop using the drug without first consulting a doctor.

Treatment in the hospital by giving the patient intravenous fluids can also be an option for treating pharyngitis if the patient has difficulty swallowing so there is a potential for nutritional deficiencies.

Pharyngitis Complications

Pharyngitis generally does not cause complications. However, if this condition continues to be left untreated, the infection can spread and cause a number of complications, such as:

  • Ear infection
  • Inflammation of the sinuses (sinusitis)
  • Rheumatic fever
  • Collection of pus (abscess) in the throat
  • glomerulonephritis

Pharyngitis Prevention

Prevention of pharyngitis is done by avoiding the causes and triggers. This can be pursued by adopting a clean and healthy lifestyle, such as:

  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and running water, especially before and after eating, after going to the toilet, and after coughing or sneezing.
  • Avoid touching the face area with unhygienic hands.
  • Always cover mouth and nose with hand or tissue when coughing.
  • Do not share eating and drinking utensils or toiletries with people with pharyngitis.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Avoid exposure to cigarette smoke and pollution.
  • Wash children's toys with pharyngitis cleanly, especially toys that children usually put in their mouths.
  • Avoid traveling to school or work while sick to prevent transmission.

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