Showing posts from July, 2018

What are the complications of a heart attack Heart attacks can cause diverse complications, ranging from mild to life-threatening. A mild heart attack will not cause complications, although this condition is also dangerous. Here are some complications that m…

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7 Skin Facts As The Biggest Human Body Organs Never underestimate the skin. In addition to affecting the appearance of a person, the largest human organs that have many important functions. If stretched, the skin on the body of an adult male weighing 68 kilo…

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For a 10-month-old baby, can crawl, or grow teeth, along with a variety of baby food for 10 months that he can voracious. Watch, and follow the growth of your baby, each month is a moment of happiness for every parent. From what can only cry at being able to…

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Many people go on a diet by avoiding dinner. When actually letting a hungry stomach can make you hard to sleep and risk awake at night to eat more. The dinner menu for diet can be an effective middle way. Avoiding dinner is often associated with an unhealthy…

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The benefits of honey are well known for health and beauty. Sweet liquids produced by these bees were eventually used as a traditional medicine that is believed to cope with various conditions. Is it true that the benefits of honey if viewed in terms of medi…

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