Guide for Parents Overcoming Baby not defecate

Body Health
Don't panic if you find the baby is not defecating in a few days because it is not necessarily dangerous. The frequency of bowel movements in toddlers can vary according to age and type of intake given to them. If the baby defecates too rarely, parents may think the possibility of a baby experiencing constipation. But, parents also need to know how the normal level of defecation in infants. There are several benchmarks that can be used by parents to determine whether their baby has constipation or not. The benchmark includes the frequency of bowel movements, stool conditions, and the baby's condition.

The normal frequency of defecation in infants

Benchmark normal or not normal bowel movements in the baby are 3-4 times a day. This number is normal for babies under the age of four months. After the baby knows solid food, the frequency of defecation usually decreases to just once a day.

The frequency of bowel movements is not the only benchmark for parents to determine if the baby has constipation. The condition of the stool and the condition of the baby must also be considered. One factor that must be considered is the color of the baby's stool. Make sure that the color is bright yellow, not dark brown or green. The presence of blood in the baby's stool can also be a sign that the baby has constipation. Constipation conditions that cause babies not to bowel during a certain time occur because the stools are hardened so it is difficult to remove. At some stage, the stool risks causing bleeding in the baby's anus. If bleeding occurs, usually fresh blood will be present in the baby's feces.

Also, note how the baby expresses when he is defecating. If their face looks tense or crying during bowel movements, chances are he has constipation. Babies who suffer from constipation will generally be in pain when their stomach is touched and they tend to refuse to eat.

Guide for Parents Overcoming Baby not defecate

Signs of a Baby Not Defecating Who Should Be Careful

Babies not defecating due to constipation are natural, especially when there are changes in diet. But if constipation occurs in newborns, parents should immediately contact a doctor so that they can be treated as soon as possible. If those who experience it are babies who are transitioning from a liquid diet to solid food, then parents can try to give the baby extra water or fruit juice. Give baby green bean porridge and replace the rice with barley cereal.

Incorporating glycerin suppository drugs into the anus may help to alleviate the defecation process. This should only be used when a change in diet does not succeed in overcoming a baby not defecating due to constipation. Parents are advised to avoid using mineral oil, or any laxative to treat babies not defecating due to constipation.

Parents must contact a doctor if the baby is not defecating because constipation continues even though the above measures have been taken. Babies should be treated by a doctor if constipation is accompanied by vomiting or the baby has rectal bleeding.


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