Variety of Vegetables for a Healthy Diet and Safe to Eat

Body Health
Who doesn't want to have a healthy body with an ideal shape? Exercise to lose weight or form a body has been done. Means that now you have to do is regulate food intake in order to stay healthy, namely by consuming fruits and vegetables for a healthy diet.

A good diet determines the outcome of the diet you do. Adequate nutrition can prevent your body from becoming malnourished when on a diet. What vegetables are recommended for consumption when dieting? Here are 5 types of vegetables that are good for your diet:

1. Lettuce

Lettuce is a vegetable that is low in calories and low in carbohydrates, very suitable for making vegetables for the diet. In addition, lettuce is rich in nutrients such as potassium, calcium, folate, iron, fiber, and vitamins. Eating lettuce can maintain heart health because it has nutrients such as potassium which prevents blood pressure from rising. In addition, the content of folate in it can also reduce the risk of heart disease.

Variety of Vegetables for a Healthy Diet and Safe to Eat

There are many types of lettuce. Among them are iceberg and romaine. Lettuce is generally consumed raw, can be used as fresh vegetables or made into contents for mixed salads. This salad is not only used as an appetizer but also as a healthy snack to replace heavy food. Because it contains zero fat, you can often eat lettuce. In order not to be bored, balance it with other vegetables.

2. Broccoli

The reason broccoli is a good vegetable for a diet is that it contains high fiber so that it can make the stomach feel full longer. Broccoli is often consumed by people who are on a diet low in carbohydrates because they contain complex carbohydrates. So it is very suitable for people who do not eat rice or potatoes, but still, want to get the necessary nutrients.

Broccoli enters into a group of cruciferous vegetables, along with kale, cabbage, and cauliflower. Cruciferous vegetables contain glucosinolate substances. Some types of glucosinolate compounds can be anti-cancer, so broccoli is included as one of the vegetables that can inhibit cancer growth.

However, there are other glucosinolate compounds called goitrogens that can disrupt the production of thyroid gland or thyroid so it is not recommended to be consumed by hypothyroid sufferers. Don't worry, cooking or heating cruciferous vegetables will deactivate the goitrogen compound, making it safe for consumption by people suffering from thyroid disorders. Of course also by limiting daily intake to just enough.

3. Spinach

As we know, spinach is a vegetable that contains high iron. Spinach vegetables are highly recommended for people with anemia or low blood pressure to consume them as blood-boosting vegetables. Spinach vegetables also contain a variety of minerals, vitamins, fiber, and high antioxidants. The content of vitamin A and K in spinach can increase the metabolic process by launching the circulatory process in the body.

At present many varieties of processed spinach are more varied, for example, sauteed, cooked with pasta, made into spinach chips, or processed into healthy smoothies. For those of you who are on a diet or need a high iron intake, consuming spinach is highly recommended.

4. Chinese cabbage

Chinese cabbage is one type of vegetable that is good for the diet. Chinese cabbage contains calcium, potassium, magnesium, and is rich in vitamin K, vitamin A, and vitamin C. In addition, Chinese cabbage also contains anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory substances that can protect the body from free radicals. Anti-inflammation also can the body against inflammation so it can prevent diseases such as arthritis.

In other countries such as Korea and China, Chinese cabbage is usually fermented into pickled foods such as Kimchi. In Asia, Chinese cabbage is usually cooked with clear gravy or sauteed.

Chinese cabbage also contains goitrogen, just like broccoli. So for those of you who experience such hypothyroidism, it is recommended to limit consuming Chinese cabbage; while for those of you who have hyperthyroidism, it's safe to consume it.

5. Seaweed

Seaweed is not just nori, you know! Seaweed is algae or seaweed (usually brown, green and red) that can be eaten, and has been used as food in China, Korea, and Japan since prehistoric times. Currently, seaweed is classified as a superfood because it is rich in vitamins and minerals.

Seaweed, especially the type of kelp is the best source for iodine which is good for hypothyroid sufferers. Seaweed contains calcium, omega-3 fatty acids, various vitamins (vitamin A, B12, B6, C, and K) and other minerals. Seaweed is also a vegetable that contains iron, besides it is low in calories and has high fiber so it is good to be used as a vegetable for the diet.

Some of the vegetables above are good vegetables to help your diet. Consumption by mixing or alternating with other vegetables so as not to get bored. Just enough consumption. Remember, something excessive, even if it's good, won't be good for body balance. In order for your diet to succeed, keep other lifestyles balanced by regular exercise, sleeping, and drinking enough water to keep the body healthy.

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