Presbyopia is a condition of the eye that loses the ability to focus gradually, to see objects at close range. Presbyopia is also one of the things that will be felt by humans as part of the body's natural aging process. Usually, someone just realizes th…
Continue ReadingCataracts are an eye disease characterized by rubbing the lens of the eye, making blurred vision. This condition generally occurs in the elderly and can occur in one or both eyes at once. However, cataracts are not a type of infectious disease. The eyepiece …

Blepharitis is inflammation of the eyelids, which causes the area to appear swollen and red. This condition can occur in both eyes, with inflammatory conditions that are more clearly visible in one eye than the other eye. Blepharitis can be experienced by al…

Benefits of Red onion In addition to making dishes taste savory and fragrant, there are many benefits of onion that are useful for health. Delicious ingredients made into fried onions, it turns out to be low in calories , fat-free, contains antioxidants, vita…

What is Gout Gout is a type of arthritis that occurs when uric acid builds up in the blood, leading to the formation of crystals in the joints. This condition can cause severe pain and inflammation, particularly in the feet. Managing gout effectively often i…
Continue ReadingActually, the term "non-developing fetus" is not in medical science. There is a blighted ovum. This condition occurs when the egg in the uterus has been fertilized but does not develop into the next stage into an embryo. In this condition, the preg…