Benefits of Egg White as a Face Mask and Healthy Food

Body Health
Benefits of Egg White as a Face Mask and Healthy Food - To get a clean and glowing face, sometimes some women can do many things. Starting from the routine to the salon, to visit a beauty doctor. In fact, to get the desirable facial skin, you can take the benefits of egg white by making a mixture of egg white masks. Besides being rich in protein that the body needs, eggs have ingredients that can help you in getting the desired facial skin. You can use eggs without any mixture or with any other mixture.

Here is a variety of egg white mask mixes that you can try at home, using some ingredients that you can find in the kitchen. Good luck.

Benefits of Egg White as a Face Mask and Healthy Food

Make a Face Mask from Egg White

This mixture of egg whites and lemons can actually help deal with facial acne. Before trying a variety of ways or drugs that use chemicals, of course, there is no harm in trying a natural way by taking the benefits of egg whites and lemons below. Just mix the egg whites and the juice of half a lemon. Shake until the two ingredients are evenly mixed, then apply to the face except for the eyes and lips. This face mask can be worn to sleep, then wash the next day using warm water.

Besides mixing with lemon, for those of you who have dry skin, you can add honey in this mixture. Lemon juice can make your face brighter, and egg whites can help clean your face. While the honey mixture can make your face feel more comfortable and moist.

Other benefits of egg white are to make the face become brighter, not dull, and the pores of the facial skin shrink. You can also use regular citrus fruits for face masks. Just provide four tablespoons of freshly squeezed orange juice and egg whites from two raw eggs. After mixing well, apply this mixture mask to your face and leave it for about 15 minutes. Then, rinse thoroughly using warm water.

In addition to the mixture, you can also get the benefits of egg whites for beauty without using any mixture. Just shake the egg whites, then apply on the face. Except for the eyes and lip area. Let stand until the egg white mask dries, then rinse thoroughly. Dry by tapping it with a soft towel to dry. This egg white mask is believed to make facial skin brighter and skin feel cool.

Benefits of Egg White As Following

Not only can it be used as a weapon to get the desired facial skin. Eating egg whites is also good for your body's health. How come? Eggs are basically one good source of protein with low calories.

In one egg contains at least 7 grams of protein source, 5 grams of fat, with only 1.6 grams of saturated fat and 75 calories. In fact, eggs also contain carotenoids, iron, zeaxanthin, lutein, and vitamins, and other minerals that are good for the body. For example, one of the benefits of eggs is to reduce the risk of macular degeneration which can cause blindness in the elderly. In addition, the content of choline found in eggs can also help improve memory and brain development.

In addition to using egg white as a mask for the face, you are still advised to consume eggs to get a variety of benefits provided. In addition, egg white also turns out to be the main source of protein in the egg. So, for those of you who want to enjoy the benefits that are also contained in eggs, you can still consume egg whites.

Now you already know the benefits of egg whites? It not only can be used for beauty but also gives you a source of nutrients needed by the body. So, immediately try the egg white mask above. If there is an allergic reaction to egg whites, call a doctor immediately.

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