White Rice Nutrition and Calories and Their Functions for the Body

Body Health
Did you know, in one cup of white rice various nutrients are of great benefit to the body? Find out the recommended number of calories of white rice every day and its benefits on this site. White rice is a food that is already familiar to Asian people. Rice is a staple food that has never been missed, and the variety of processed foods varies in each region in Asia. Indonesia has fried rice, Japan has sushi, and Korea has bibimbap.

White Rice Nutrition and Calories and Their Functions for the Body

In the food pyramid, rice is included in the food group that must be consumed by the body every day, namely grains. Because your body needs a lot of nutrients, and all that can not be obtained from just one food source. In addition to whole grains, the body also needs nutrients in fruits and vegetables. After these three ingredients, your food pyramid can be supplemented with nuts, meat, eggs, dairy products, and fat-oil-sugar groups in moderation.

Nutrition Facts, White Rice Calories, and Their Benefits

Before you start rearranging your eating patterns and healthy food choices that you want to consume daily, it helps you to know more about the calories of white rice and its nutritional content. Thus, you can continue and add the remaining nutrients needed by the body.

One cup of rice (cooked rice) or as much as 158 grams, on average contains:

Nutrisi Unit      Jumlah Nutrisi
Water Gram 108.14
Energy (Calorie) KCal 205
Protein Gram 4.25
Total Lipid (Fat) Gram 0.44
Carbohydrate Gram 44.51
Fiber Gram 0.6
Sugar Gram 0.08
Mineral Mg 162.67
Vitamin Mg 2.911

Some vitamins and minerals contained in this measure include calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6, folate, vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol), and fatty acids monounsaturated and polyunsaturated.

White rice has lower fiber compared to rice cooked from mixed rice (whole grains). In rice cooked from mixed rice, the serving size of white rice is mixed with other types of grains, so that there are more fiber and less carbohydrate. This type of rice is suitable for those of you who are trying a diet to reduce weight. All nutrients from this mixed rice will provide different benefits for the body, such as:

  • Increase the number of good bacteria that will protect the intestinal wall.
  • Maintain body weight as part of a healthy diet and lifestyle.
  • It makes you feel full longer so that you can control your appetite or snack.
  • Reducing the risk of developing cancer in the digestive tract.
  • Rice cooked with mixed or brown rice is thought to reduce cholesterol, reduce the risk of stroke, heart attack, and type 2 diabetes.

In order for the balance of nutrients to enter the body to be maintained, the amount of nutrient intake is also recommended to follow the daily nutritional adequacy rate specified for each age range and gender. Men need about 2,200 calories and can be increased to 2,800 calories according to their daily activities and work. The heavier your physical activity, the higher your calorie needs will be.

The recommended portion of rice to meet one serving size is half a cup (125 grams). While the total recommended daily serving size of rice is 6 measurements or six times 125 grams. This dose applies to children aged 2-6 years, as well as women and the elderly who have a total daily nutritional requirement of 1,600 calories.

To achieve balanced energy and nutritional needs, it cannot be fulfilled from white rice alone. The body needs another nutritional intake that can be obtained from fruits, vegetables, or animal food sources such as fish, eggs, meat, and milk to get optimal nutritional benefits.

To find out the serving size or calories of white rice and the total daily nutritional requirements for other age ranges, you are advised to consult directly with a nutritionist or doctor. They will determine the number of nutritional needs and arrange a diet that is suitable for you based on the condition and health status of the body.

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