Let's examine the benefits of cycling for health

Body Health Site
Enjoying the natural scenery by using a bicycle is a very pleasant thing. Besides pleasure, the benefits of cycling are also very much for the health of our body. In addition to recreation, cycling makes our bodies move actively. As we know, an active body is one of the important conditions for maintaining health quality. Cycling alone, if done at least 2.5 hours a week or 30 minutes every day on a regular basis has a positive impact on the health of the body.

What are the benefits?

The following are some of the benefits of cycling if you do it regularly.

Cardiovascular repair

Cycling, including cardio, is categorized as such because, by cycling, the performance of the heart, lungs, and blood circulation system will increase. In addition, regular cycling is also able to reduce levels of bad cholesterol in the blood, strengthen the heart muscle, and lower blood pressure. Reducing bad cholesterol will reduce the risk of narrowing of blood vessels. Regularly trained heart muscle will be more effective so that the process of sending blood and oxygen to our entire body is more optimal. The better the performance of your circulatory or cardiovascular system, the lower the risk of high blood pressure, stroke and heart attack.

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Let's examine the benefits of cycling for health

Increase muscle strength

How many limbs and muscles are involved when you ride? Almost everything, right? If done regularly, the strong and flexible muscles are one of the results. In addition, body coordination and balance are also trained.

Caring for the joints

Apart from muscles, the joints in our arms and legs are also active. Elbows, knees, ankles, and wrists are some joints that will automatically work when cycling. Good movement of the joints will make it more flexible.

Maintain weight

Thanks to cycling, your cardiovascular and muscle performance becomes more optimal. One of the advantages of an active body, good cardiovascular, and trained muscles is the increase in body metabolism and burning of calories. Calorie fire is of course very good for maintaining ideal body weight. Combine the habit of cycling regularly with a balanced nutrition diet, to prevent and overcome obesity.

Reducing stress levels

When cycling, our body will release a hormone called endorphins. This hormone will trigger a sense of comfort and a positive mood. In addition, endorphins can also reduce pain. The emergence of comfort in the body, of course, will reduce the burden that clings to your mind. Coupled with a view that you can enjoy while cycling, the reduction in stress levels in your body will be felt even more.

Reducing the risk of other diseases

Regular physical activity through cycling is very good for the health of our body in general. One of the advantages of an active body is the minimal risk of developing diabetes. This is related to stable insulin production by your active body. Cycling can reduce the risk of cancer, especially colon cancer.

Ensure Cycling Safely

There are so many not the benefits of cycling that you can enjoy? In order for the benefits of cycling to be more optimal, some of the following things you should pay attention to before starting cycling. One of them is a safety factor.

However, the safety of cycling is mandatory. Regardless of safety, the benefits of your cycling can be futile. For that, consider some of the following safety tips:

  • Check your bike
  • Before cycling, make sure you have checked all the components in your bicycle, from the brakes to the tire condition. Letting one part of your bicycle not work can risk injury.
  • Wear head, elbow and knee protectors
  • The head, elbows, and knees are part of the body that is prone to injury if it falls. Make sure you protect all three so that if you fall, the effect is not too fatal.
  • Make sure you are visible
  • You might be cycling on public roads and in dark conditions. Therefore, make sure you can be seen by other vehicle users when cycling. Attach bicycle lights and use brightly colored clothing or those that light up in the dark.

Keep driving

Cycling must pay attention to other road users, both motorists and pedestrians. If there are no special lanes for bicycles, do not take pedestrian rights. Make sure you also always signal to other road users when you turn or stop. Do not suddenly do it because this can endanger you and other road users. Certainly, obey the applicable traffic signs.

If your bike is ready for combat, then enjoy the various benefits of cycling that can be obtained from the first stroke.
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