3 Day Menstruation Is Normal, Know 7 Causes

Body Health Site

Whether 3 days of menstruation is normal may often be a question for women who experience it. A menstrual period of 3 days is often considered too short and is feared to be caused by certain health problems.


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3 Day Menstruation Is Normal, Know 7 Causes

The menstrual cycle and duration vary from woman to woman. Normally, menstruation lasts 2-7 days with a range of 21-35 days until the next menstruation occurs. So, 3 days of menstruation is still considered normal, as long as there are no menstrual cycle disorders or severe complaints during menstruation.

On the other hand, some conditions can change the cycle, duration of menstruation, amount of blood, and complaints during menstruation. If there is a change in your menstrual habits, you need to know whether your menstrual period is normal for 3 days or whether it is a danger sign that you need to be aware of.

Various Causes of 3 Day Menstruation

Short menstrual duration, for example 3 days, is common in teenagers who have just had their first menstruation. Teenage menstrual cycles at the start of menstruation are not as regular as those of adult women. Entering the age of 20 years, the menstrual cycle will be regular and become irregular again before menopause.

However, you may be wondering whether 3 days of menstruation is normal if menstruation usually lasts up to 7 days. There are several conditions that affect the menstrual cycle and duration, including:

1. Stress

When you are stressed, levels of the hormone cortisol will increase and can disrupt the function of the endocrine glands in producing the hormone estrogen. As a result, the menstrual cycle and duration are disrupted.

2. Body weight is not ideal

Body weight below the normal value (underweight) has a low body fat percentage. In fact, fat is needed to produce the hormones estrogen and progesterone which are important in the menstrual cycle.

Drastic weight loss over a short period of time can also affect the function of these two hormones. Hormonal disturbances due to drastic weight loss can disrupt the menstrual cycle.

On the other hand, being overweight and obese will trigger excess estrogen production which can inhibit the maturation of egg cells. As a result, the duration of menstruation can be shorter.

3. Use of hormonal birth control

Contraceptives that contain hormones, such as pills, injections, implants and IUDs can make menstrual duration shorter than before.

The hormones in contraceptives can thin the lining of the uterus so that little menstrual blood comes out and doesn't last long. So, 3 days of menstruation is still considered normal when using hormonal birth control.

4. Excessive exercise

Changes in the menstrual cycle and duration can also be triggered by excessive exercise. Exercise intensity that is too heavy, especially if it is not balanced with adequate nutritional intake, can interfere with the production of hormones for the menstrual process. As a result, the duration of menstruation can be shorter than usual.

5. Perimenopause

Entering the age of 30-40 years, a woman will generally experience the transition to menopause. This period is called perimenopause. During perimenopause, the estrogen hormone easily rises and falls, which can disrupt the menstrual cycle and duration.

3 days of menstruation is normal during perimenopause. Generally, this period will be accompanied by sudden sensations of heat (hot flashes), mood changes, difficulty sleeping, and a decrease in sexual desire.

6. Implantation bleeding

There are times when a woman does not realize that she is pregnant. When a fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall, bleeding can occur. This condition is called implantation bleeding, which lasts 1–2 days and is often mistaken for menstrual blood.

However, implantation bleeding shows typical symptoms in the form of little blood or spots, and is pink or brown in color. This condition is also accompanied by mild stomach cramps or no cramps at all.

7. Miscarriage

Bleeding from the vagina due to miscarriage is also often considered a shorter than normal menstrual duration. To determine whether a 3-day period is normal or occurs due to miscarriage, pay attention to the typical signs. If caused by miscarriage, bleeding is accompanied by stomach cramps, and pain in the back and pelvis.

So that you can detect whether your 3-day period is normal, you can start getting used to keeping track of your menstrual schedule. Note the dates when menstruation starts and ends. Also pay attention to the amount of blood that comes out and the complaints you experience, for example pain or stomach cramps. If there is a change from usual, consult a doctor to find out the cause.

If your menstrual period is short, with more blood coming out than usual, you even have to change sanitary napkins every hour, accompanied by severe pain, and your menstrual cycle is less than 21 days or more than 35 days, consult a doctor. So, you can know whether your 3 day period is normal or needs to be treated according to the cause.

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