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Fetal Development Week to Week (Week 1-20)

- During pregnancy, your body will certainly experience various changes along with the development of the fetus. Do you know what changes you will experience when you are pregnant? And how is the stage of development of your fetus from week to week? Check it out in the review below.

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Fetal Development Weeks 1 to 4

The early stages of fetal development can be counted from the first day of your last menstrual period, where fertilization or ovulation can occur 14 days after that period. If ovulation occurs, the egg that becomes the embryo of the little one is called a zygote.

During the 90 hours after fertilization, the egg will divide into two parts and move gradually from the fallopian tube to the uterus. After six to ten days later, the zygote will attach to the wall of your uterus and is usually marked by the appearance of spotting (light bleeding).

4th week
At this age, the clump of cells that sticks to the wall of your uterus grows into an embryo, a small spherical clump made up of two layers of cells and surrounded by an amniotic sac. Since the placenta is still in the developing stage, the embryo will depend on the yolk sac as a source of food. At this age until the 10th week, Mama is highly recommended to take pregnancy supplements, especially those containing folic acid to support the growth of her vital organs.

Fetal Development Week 5
Mothers can experience symptoms of morning sickness in the form of fatigue, nausea and vomiting, flatulence, mood changes, stomach cramps to light bleeding.

6th week
The size of the embryo resembles a lentil, which is 2-4 mm from the top to the bottom. Although still very small, the little one's size has increased significantly compared to last week, 1 Shaped like a tadpole, with a number of buds that later grow into arms and legs. Later, the size of the fetus will still be measured from the head to the buttocks because the baby's legs are usually always bent so it is difficult to measure.

At this age too, your little one's heart begins to beat. The fetal digestive system has also begun to form at this age.

7th week
At this age the embryo is the size of a small blueberry, which is 4-10 mm. The shape will be more like a baby because the arm and leg buds have grown longer. In addition, there will be a slender palm like a paddle at the end.

At this time, your baby's head is growing faster than his body—signifying the rapid development of the brain at this gestational age. In addition, the baby's heart also begins to divide into left and right chambers, along with the formation of the respiratory tract starting from the lungs, nose, and nostrils.

The inner ear is also formed at this age.

week 8
The little one is now the size of a red bean. At this gestational age, your baby's jaw and nose are starting to form, along with the eyes and eyelid creases. On his hands will appear bumps that will form the fingers. In addition, the tail of the embryo will begin to disappear gradually.

Get ready to feel your little one's movements from inside your tummy in the next few weeks, Mama, because at this age his muscles begin to function and he begins to make small movements that he still can't feel.

9th Week Fetal Growth
It is now the size of a grapefruit and Mama's uterus is starting to double in size to accommodate the growing little one. At this age, the placenta is ready to become a source of life for your little one, delivering the oxygen and nutrients he needs. Hair follicles and taste receptors on the tongue also begin to form, along with tiny bumps in the gums that will later become the place for baby teeth to grow.

In this week, the pregnancy hormone levels in your body are very high, so the symptoms of morning sickness can feel more severe. Be patient because this condition will subside in the next few weeks, Ma. Usually, in the second trimester of pregnancy, you will not feel severe pregnancy symptoms.

10th week
Right now, your little one is the size of a strawberry. Her vital organs were already developing and starting to function: her heart was starting to beat 180 times a minute, two to three times faster than Mama's. His fingers and toes were already formed, his hips and shoulders were able to twist. Although you still can't feel it, your little one is very active now—he can kick and touch his face with his hands.

11th week
The little one who is now the size of a fig is starting to take on the shape of a human body: arteries are starting to form under the skin and the baby's head is resembling the size of his body. His facial features also grew: his mouth was almost finished and his skin was no longer transparent. At this gestational age until the 13th week, you should do a Nuchal Translucency Scan (Nuchal Translucency Scan) and also a blood test to check for possible neural tube defects in your little one.

Because the pregnancy hormone levels in your body are still fluctuating, you may still feel symptoms of morning sickness and headaches, leg cramps and excess gas in your stomach.

12th week
Your baby is now 6 cm long, twice as big in the last three weeks. At this age, the fetus which is the size of a plum is already fully formed with vital organs, bones, and muscles that will continue to develop in the next few weeks.

The little one's head is still larger than his body, but his facial features have become more defined and his eyelids have formed. In his mouth, there are about 20 buds in the gums which will later grow into the baby's milk teeth.

Stage of Fetal Development Week 13

Happy! You have started your second trimester of pregnancy, which means that the morning sickness is less and you are feeling more energetic. Mama's fetus is now the size of a pea and its head is now of its body size.

In addition, his fingerprints are starting to form and he can already pee—which he will swallow and spit out again and again. In fact, this is your body's way of producing enough amniotic fluid to protect your growing little one. At this age, your baby's body begins to produce meconium, the baby's first black, sticky stool.

14th week
Your baby is now the size of a lemon. Interestingly, now your little one can form facial expressions such as frowning and squinting, Mom! His mouth can also suck, chew, and he can suck his own thumb. Your little one's body at this age begins to be filled with lanugo, which is the type of fine hair that will keep him warm in the early years of his life.

Fetal Development Week 15
The little one who is now the size of an apple can move all his joints and arms, where his arms have grown longer. Your belly may not look protruding yet, but eventually, your belly will exceed the size of your pelvis and get bigger. You may also experience symptoms of a new pregnancy such as bloating, swollen gums, nosebleeds or shortness of breath. At this age you can check the sex of your little one.

16th week
This week, your little one is the size of an avocado and weighs about 100 grams. His body started to work well: his heart pumped 24 liters of blood every day and it was increasing day by day. At this gestational age, don't be surprised if you often forget, because pregnancy hormones can affect the work of your brain.

In addition, don't forget to start inviting your little one to chat, because his hearing function is getting better and he can recognize Mama's voice from inside the womb.

17th week
The little one is now the size of a turnip. The bones of his body began to change, from cartilage or cartilage to solid bone intact. She is getting fatter and her umbilical cord is getting thicker and stronger. You may feel itching in your breasts and stomach due to thinning and stretched skin, and stretch marks appearing in some parts of the skin.

At this gestational age, your body will produce more fluids in the form of sweat and mucus due to increased blood flow in the body. Be careful when getting up from sitting or when walking, because gaining weight can make you feel like you're losing your balance, because your body's center of gravity changes as your belly grows.

18th week
Your little one is now the size of a sweet potato and his ears are in the right position, his lungs are forming small bronchioles and alveoli (air sacs). He can already swallow, chew, yawn and also hiccup. Furthermore, at this age the genitals are fully developed, you can check the gender of your little one again via ultrasound!

As your belly gets bigger, try to start sleeping on your side so that your stomach doesn't press against the veins in your back.

19th week
This week, your little one is the size of a mango. His arms and legs are now proportionate and can be moved, although weak, but will get stronger in the next few weeks. At this gestational age, the vernix caseosa will appear, which is an oily white layer that protects the baby's skin. The sensory area in the little one's brain will continue to develop, so that he can use his five senses later.

At this time, the muscles in your stomach will stretch even more, which can trigger pain in your belly circumference. You can also experience dizziness because the size of the growing fetus presses on your blood vessels and lungs. Get regular rest, Mama, because Mama may experience pain in the waist and legs.

Fetal Age Week 20
Mama's pregnancy is half way through! Now the little one is the size of a banana, with a length of about 25.6 cm. At this age, his taste receptors are fully functional and he is swallowing amniotic fluid more and more frequently.

Don't panic if you experience shortness of breath, acid reflux or constipation. The good news, at this age you can do a babymoon, because at this gestational age you are considered safe to travel. 

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