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1 Month Pregnant: Hormonal Changes and Morning Sickness

SYMPTOMS OF PREGNANCY IN FIRST MONTH - When pregnant for 1 month, the pregnant woman's body does not look like a pregnant person. However, pregnant women may have felt some of the symptoms of pregnancy, both physically and emotionally, due to hormonal changes in the body.


Pregnant 1 month will usually be counted starting from the 2nd week after the first day of the last menstruation, because fertilization generally occurs at this time. Then, after entering the 4th week of pregnancy or 2 months pregnant, usually new pregnant women will feel the symptoms of pregnancy, such as nausea and vomiting or what is often referred to as morning sickness.

The appearance of pregnancy symptoms is caused by the production of pregnancy hormones by the pregnant woman's body, such as the hormone chorionic gonadotropin (hCG).

Fetal Growth During 1 Month Pregnant

Below is an explanation of fetal growth from the 4th to the 7th week of pregnancy:

1. 4 weeks pregnant
When pregnant 1 month or 4 weeks, the size of the fetus is still very small, which is only about 0.2 cm or 2 millimeters. After being fertilized by sperm, the egg will develop into an embryo or fetus.
During this pregnancy, the embryo will form 3 layers which will then develop into the baby's body parts.

These layers are:

  • Endoderm, which is the innermost layer that forms into the respiratory and digestive systems, such as the lungs, intestines, liver, pancreas, stomach, and thyroid gland.
  • Mesoderm, which is the middle layer that develops into muscles, bones, heart, blood vessels, and urinary system.
  • Ectoderm, which is the outer layer which later becomes the nervous system, brain, tooth enamel, nails, eye lens, and skin.

At this week, the embryo will also be attached to the yolk sac which serves to supply nutrients and oxygen to the fetus. However, in the next few weeks, this function will then be replaced by the placenta.

2. 5 weeks pregnant
At 5 weeks of gestation, the fetus has grown to the size of an apple seed. The nervous system of the fetus and its major organs begin to form, such as:

  • Heart
  • Neural tube, which will then develop into the spinal cord and brain
  • A blood vessel, which will later develop into the umbilical cord to connect the blood circulation of pregnant women and fetuses

3. 6 weeks pregnant
At the 6th week of gestation, the embryo begins to become sickle-shaped and has a tail, making it look like a tadpole with a thin layer of skin. During this pregnancy, the fetus will experience various growth and development, including:

  • A bulge at the end of the neural tube begins to form, which will develop into the head and brain.
  • The heart has started to beat, which is as much as 150 beats per minute.
  • The legs and arms will begin to appear.
  • Small depressions on either side of the head begin to form. This part will develop into the ear.
  • There are areas with a thickened surface, which will develop into the eye.

4. 7 weeks pregnant
At 7 weeks of gestation, the embryo has now grown to the size of 1 blueberry, or approximately 10 mm long. Fetal development at 7 weeks of gestation includes:

  • The brain develops rapidly, thus making the head grow faster and larger in size compared to
  • The forehead is getting bigger
  • The eyes and inner ear continue to develop.
  • Cartilage begins to form and begins to develop into the bones of the arms and legs.
  • Nerve cells begin to multiply and develop into the nervous system.

Body Changes That Occur During 1 Month Pregnant

In early pregnancy or around the first 3 weeks of pregnancy, there are still many pregnant women who do not realize that they are pregnant because they do not feel any symptoms. Changes in the body of pregnant women and pregnancy symptoms will usually only be felt at 4 weeks of gestation.

Some of the typical pregnant women's symptoms or body changes during pregnancy entering the age of 4-6 weeks include:

  • Bloated
  • Abdominal pain or cramps
  • Light vaginal bleeding or spotting due to implantation
  • Mood swings
  • Tired faster
  • Frequent urination
  • Pain in the breast
  • Nausea and vomiting (morning sickness)

Morning sickness is a sign that the pregnancy hormones in the pregnant woman's body are sufficient to support pregnancy. Pregnant women who experience nausea in early pregnancy are even said to have a lower risk of miscarriage than pregnant women who do not experience nausea.

However, that does not mean that pregnant women who are not nauseous can't have a healthy pregnancy, right, pregnant woman.

When the pregnancy reaches 7 weeks, pregnant women's uterus has grown to the size of a lemon. Currently, the body changes experienced are generally the same as in the previous weeks. However, at 7 weeks pregnant, the symptoms of morning sickness will usually get worse, especially if you are pregnant with twins.

In addition, at this gestational age, pregnant women generally will begin to feel the desire to eat certain foods, or also called cravings. The appearance of acne and an increase in the amount of saliva due to hormonal changes may also be felt by pregnant women at 7 weeks of gestation.

Some things to check when pregnant for 1 month

At the age of 1 month pregnant, pregnant women may need to try to undergo a pregnancy test with a testpack more than once. The reason is, some women need to wait up to 2-3 weeks after their missed period so that pregnancy hormone levels are high enough to be detected.

After being positive for pregnancy, pregnant women and their partners should immediately consult a gynecologist.

Symptoms of nausea or morning sickness in early pregnancy can also be very severe, otherwise known as hyperemesis gravidarum (HG). This situation is characterized by a high frequency of vomiting, inability to eat and drink, and weight loss. If not treated properly, this condition can cause dehydration which can interfere with the health of pregnant women and their fetuses. Therefore, if nausea is felt to be very disturbing, immediately consult a doctor for proper treatment.

Things to Pay Attention to When 1 Month Pregnant

Here are things that pregnant women need to do and avoid when 1 month pregnant:

  • Try to stay active in sports, so that the pregnant woman's body stays in shape. We recommend that you choose sports that are safe for pregnancy.
  • Do not smoke and avoid secondhand smoke.
  • Do not consume excessive caffeine.
  • Do not consume alcohol and illegal drugs.
  • Avoid eating raw foods.
  • Consult all medicines that are currently or will be consumed, both prescription and over-the-counter drugs.
  • Take pregnancy supplements, such as those containing folic acid and iron, as recommended by your doctor.
  • Get enough rest and reduce stress.

When pregnant for 1 month, pregnant women also need to be aware of the risk of miscarriage, because pregnancy at this time is still very sensitive.

Not a few pregnant women who experience miscarriage early in pregnancy without knowing that they are pregnant. Some of the symptoms of miscarriage to watch out for include excessive bleeding with clots or tissue, cramps or pain in the abdomen and back, weakness, and fever.

Although there have not been many changes in the pregnant woman's body during 1 month of pregnancy, there have been many changes that have occurred in the womb. So, if pregnant women feel symptoms of 1 month pregnant as described above or have done a testpack and the results are positive, immediately consult a doctor. 

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