Acne on the head (folliculitis), this is the cause and how to deal with it

Body Health
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Acne on the head (folliculitis), this is the cause and how to deal with it

Not only on the face and back, acne can also appear on the head. Pimples on the head can be painful, especially when you brush your hair. This condition can be caused by many things and how to overcome it is quite diverse.

Pimples on the head or folliculitis occur when the pores or hair follicles become clogged and inflamed due to a bacterial, fungal, or mite infection. This condition is usually characterized by a red bump that is sometimes accompanied by pus in the center.

Pimples that appear on the head will usually cause pain and itching. If left untreated, pimples that break out on the scalp can cause scabs or scars to go bald.

Factors that cause acne on the head

The following are some habits that cause clogged scalp pores, triggering acne on the head:

  •  Not keeping the hair and scalp clean
  •  Don't wash your hair immediately after exercising or after coming home from traveling
  •  Using hair care products that are not suitable for the scalp, such as shampoo or hair oil
  •  Wearing a hat or helmet for too long makes your scalp sweat

In addition, the risk of developing acne on the scalp also increases if you suffer from certain diseases, such as diabetes, leukemia, or HIV/AIDS. These diseases can weaken your immune system, making you more susceptible to infections.

How to Overcome Acne on the Head Independently at Home

Pimples on the head that are small and not inflamed generally can go away on their own without requiring special treatment. However, so that pimples on the head can disappear quickly, you can apply the following ways:

1. Keep your hair and scalp clean regularly

Keeping your hair and scalp clean is the most effective way to get rid of pimples on your head. When a pimple on the head appears, you are advised to wash it 2 times a day with warm water and a shampoo that suits your scalp type.

To treat mild to moderate acne on the head, you can try shampoo products containing salicylic acid, glycolic acid, and ketoconazole or ciclopirox.

Salicylic acid and glycolic acid are able to exfoliate dead skin cells and kill bacteria. Meanwhile, ketoconazole or ciclopirox can eradicate the fungus that grows on the scalp.

If your scalp is sensitive, it is recommended to choose a shampoo with mild chemicals that do not cause skin irritation. These shampoos usually have a hypoallergenic label.

2. Avoid excessive use of hair care products

If a pimple appears on the scalp, you are advised to reduce or avoid using hair care products, such as hair oil and hairspray.

These products usually contain ingredients that can clog the pores of the scalp, which can make acne breakouts worse.

3. Using a salt water compress

Compressing the scalp with warm salt water can help dry out pimples on the head while reducing discomfort.

This method can be done by applying warm water mixed with 1 teaspoon of salt to the scalp before shampooing. In addition to warm salt water, you can also use white vinegar or baking soda.

4. Don't squeeze pimples

The important thing that you also need to remember is not to squeeze the pimple using your fingers or any tools. This will actually cause the pimple to become inflamed and trigger an infection.

In addition, avoid shaving your hair for a while until the pimples on your head shrink, especially if you use an electric haircut. This is done to prevent injury or infection if the pimple breaks due to exposure to the shaver.

How to Overcome Acne on the Head with Doctor's Handling

If the various home remedies above have been done, but the acne on the head does not go away, you should immediately consult a doctor. Direct treatment by a doctor should also be done if the acne on the head is severe and causes hair loss.

To treat severe acne on the head, doctors will usually prescribe medications that are available in the form of oral or topical medications, such as antibiotics, corticosteroids, and isotretinoin.

If acne on your head recurs or you have a weakened immune system, your doctor will prescribe antifungals or antibiotics.

In addition, the doctor may also recommend that you undergo photodynamic therapy and acne extraction to clear the pores and eradicate acne.
Steps to Prevent Acne on the Head

So that acne on the head does not reappear, you can apply the following preventive steps:

  • Clean your hair and scalp regularly, especially after activities, sports, or wearing a head covering
  • Use mild and gentle hair and scalp cleansing products
  • Keep the bed clean by changing pillowcases and bed linen regularly to avoid mites that can infect the scalp
  • Ensure that the shaver that will be used to cut hair is always clean

Apart from being caused by certain habits, acne on the head can also appear due to diseases on the scalp, such as skin cysts, abscesses on the scalp, and seborrheic dermatitis.

Therefore, do not hesitate to consult a doctor if the acne on the head does not improve within a few days, even though it has been treated with various home remedies. The doctor will examine the condition of your scalp and determine the appropriate diagnosis and treatment.

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