What is a Time Blood Sugar Check

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What is a Time Blood Sugar Check

Blood sugar check is a blood sugar test that can be done at any time without the need to fast first. This examination is usually done to assess sugar levels in diabetic patients or patients who have decreased consciousness.

Examination of blood sugar levels while mainly performed in diabetic patients as a daily evaluation of therapy and before insulin injections. In addition to diabetic patients, this examination is also performed on patients suspected of having hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia.

When checking blood sugar, the doctor will use a tool called a glucometer and only requires 1-2 drops of blood to be drawn through a finger. The results that came out were calculated quickly so that this examination was considered quite effective.

Objectives and Indications of Blood Sugar Checking During

This examination aims to assess a person's blood sugar levels. Regular blood sugar checks can also be done to detect diabetes, as well as to monitor treatment for diabetic patients.

In addition to people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes, blood sugar checks are also needed for people with conditions, such as:

  • Pregnant
  • Weight gain
  • Increased frequency of urination, especially at night
  • Wounds that take a long time to heal
  • Decreased visual ability
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Faint
  • Seizure

Warnings for Blood Sugar Checks When

When checking blood sugar is done by pricking the tip of the finger with a small needle. Needle sticking can not be done on a finger that is painful or there is an open wound. The patient may only feel a small sting which will soon go away.

In addition, patients are also asked to tell the doctor about their medical history, such as:

  • Are taking blood thinners
  • Have a history of hemophilia or blood clotting disorders
  • Are you taking corticosteroids regularly?
  • Have a phobia of needles

Before Checking Blood Sugar During

There is nothing special that the patient needs to prepare before undergoing a temporary blood sugar test. The doctor will inform the patient about the purpose of the examination and how. Next, the patient will be asked to sit back and choose which finger to prick.

Procedure for Checking Blood Sugar While

The steps for carrying out blood sugar checks when carried out by a doctor are:

  • Wash hands thoroughly and wear medical gloves
  • Turn on the glucometer and insert the test strip into it
  • Inserting a sterile needle into an awl called a lancet pen
  • Choose the finger you want to pierce
  • Clean the fingertips with an alcohol swab and leave it for a while
  • Massaging the patient's finger so that blood collects at the fingertip, then pricking the patient's finger with a lancet pen
  • Dripping blood coming out of the finger onto the strip attached to the glucometer
  • Pressing a finger pierced with an alcoholic cotton so that the bleeding can stop

The results of the glucose analysis will come out on the glucometer in a few seconds

After Checking Blood Sugar While

After the examination is complete, the doctor will read the results and explain them to the patient. The normal range for checking blood sugar levels is less than 200 mg/dL and more than 70 mg/dL.

If the results of the blood sugar examination when the patient is known to have a sugar level that is lower or higher than the normal range, the doctor will discuss with the patient the appropriate treatment method.

Complications of Blood Sugar Checks While

Regular blood sugar checks generally do not cause serious side effects for the patient. The patient may feel a slight pain in the tip of the finger, but the pain usually goes away quickly.

Patients may also experience bleeding or infection. However, this is very rare, because the needle puncture marks are very small.

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