Tips for Choosing Fresh Seafood that are Safe for Consumption

Body Health

There are several tips on choosing fresh seafood that need to be considered before consuming it, one of which is to smell the seafood. The reason is, seafood that is not fresh may have been contaminated with bacteria and is at risk of causing food poisoning. Seafood is a source of high-quality protein, and contains vitamins and minerals that are an important part of a healthy diet. Regular consumption of seafood can bring many benefits to the health of the body, especially the brain, bones and muscles


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Tips for Choosing Fresh Seafood that are Safe for Consumption

In choosing seafood products, make sure you know the tips for choosing fresh seafood of good quality for consumption, so that you and your family can enjoy seafood safely and still get the maximum benefits.

Tips for Choosing Fresh Seafood

Some people define fresh seafood as seafood that hasn't been frozen since it was caught. In fact, seafood that is frozen properly can be just as good, if not superior in quality, to seafood that has just been caught.

Actually, what needs to be considered is not whether it is frozen or not, but the quality of the seafood itself. To determine the quality of fresh seafood, here are some tips on choosing fresh seafood that you can pay attention to:

Smell it

Smelling the smell of the seafood you are about to buy is the first tip for choosing fresh seafood. This method is easy to do to find out whether the seafood is fresh or not. Fresh seafood usually smells light or faint, not fishy, sour or rancid.

Meanwhile, seafood that is starting to go bad will usually smell like ammonia or smell very fishy. Chances are the seafood is an old product or not frozen properly.

Pay attention to the outside

The next tip for choosing fresh seafood is to pay attention to its outer appearance. Apart from the smell, the appearance of the seafood is also a factor that determines the quality of the seafood itself.

Here are some tips for choosing fresh seafood based on the external appearance of the type of seafood:

1. Sea fish

Fresh sea fish are usually brightly colored, shiny, and have tightly attached scales. Her eyes were clear and solid and prominent. In addition, fish gills are also red or pink.

2. Clams

For this type of shellfish, choose a shell that looks moist and tightly closed. If the shell is slightly open, ask the seller to knock on it. If the shell doesn't close again, don't choose it. Also avoid buying clams whose shells are cracked.

3. Crab and lobster

For crabs and lobsters, it's best to choose those that are still alive, namely those that show leg movement, even if only slightly. When cooked, choose lobsters and crabs whose shells are bright red and the flesh is pure white or white with a hint of red and brown.

4. Shrimp

To choose shrimp, you should avoid shrimp that have shells with black edges or black spots. Usually, fresh shrimp shells are greyish green, reddish brown, or pink in color.

5. Squid

For squid, choose those with clear eyes and look whole and solid. In addition, the skin must also be not peeled and cream in color with reddish-brown flecks. Over time, the squid's skin may turn pink and the flesh may turn yellow.

Check the density of the meat

Fresh seafood is also characterized by firm and elastic flesh, and does not leave marks when pressed. Over time, the meat will usually become soft, easily torn, and easily separated from the bone or shell.

In addition to the tips on choosing fresh seafood above, you can also ensure the freshness of your seafood by buying it only from trusted sources. Choose seafood providers who place their products in the refrigerator or freezer.

After buying and bringing home, immediately store seafood products in the freezer and use them no more than 3 days, especially if you want to eat raw seafood. By knowing the tips for choosing fresh seafood above, you can also enjoy a variety of seafood dishes safely and get the maximum benefits of seafood.

However, if you feel stomach cramps, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or weakness after consuming seafood that may not be fresh, go to the emergency room immediately or consult a doctor to get the right treatment.

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