UV Rays Not Only Harm the Skin

Body Health Site

UV Rays Not Only Harm the Skin

Humans need sunlight to get vitamin D. Vitamin D makes bones stronger and helps the body absorb calcium more easily. If you get too much UV light, it can have a negative impact on your body. The UV light is basically sunlight that reaches the earth. This UV light is divided into several types, while the types of UV light that are commonly known are UVA and UVB. These two types of UV rays if exposed to excess can have an impact on the health of the body.

As for the bad effects on body health that might occur, such as eye health problems, chronic or acute skin health problems (sunburned skin or erythema), and immune system disorders. In the long term, excessive exposure to UV light can cause eye inflammatory reactions, actinic keratosis, photodermatosis, and degenerative changes in skin cells, blood vessels, and fibrous tissue.

UV Rays Not Only Harm the Skin
UV Rays Not Only Harm the Skin

The following are some of the effects of UV light on your health based on the type:

Impact of UVA Rays for Health

This one UV light can cause long-term skin damage. Because most sun exposure is UVA. UVA rays can cause several health conditions such as wrinkles, aging of the skin, and increasing the risk of skin cancer.

Impact of UVB Rays for Health

While UVB rays can help the body get vitamin D, it can also cause several conditions. For example, such as cataracts, sunburn, and skin cancer. The intensity of UV light is increasing in the highlands, close to the equator, and at midday.

Get to know how to protect skin from the effects of UV light

Now you already know the effects of UV exposure, right? Not only harmful to skin health but also can affect eye health. Here are some ways you can protect yourself from excessive exposure to UV light:

  • Use sunscreen with a minimum of SPF 15

  • To protect the skin from UVA and UVB rays, choose a sunscreen that is written as "broad-spectrum" in the packaging section. Remember to use it 15 minutes before your skin is exposed to sunlight, and use the sunscreen again after about 1 hour of use.
  • Do not let your skin be exposed to direct sunlight

  • In addition to using sunscreen, you can also use closed clothing to protect your skin. Such as long-sleeved clothes, trousers, and hats with wide edges.
  • Avoid exposure to the sun at certain times

  • As much as possible, avoid going out or being exposed to the sun for too long at 10:00-14.00 noon.
  • Use sunglasses

  • Sunlight can not only harm your skin, but also the eyes. Therefore, use sunglasses that have protection against UV light.

Although UV light can have an adverse effect on health, it does not mean you avoid the rays at all. Because basically, UV rays also have health benefits as long as they are not exposed too long and avoid them at certain times.

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