Benefits of Cassava Leaves and Recipes

Body Health
Cassava leaves turned out to be not only enjoyable in vegetable dishes, but it also contained higher protein compared to other vegetables. Let's look at the benefits of cassava leaves and their contents. It might not be imagined by you before, it turns out that cassava leaves contain a fairly high raw protein. In fact, when compared with the leaves of the Amaranthus group (spinach). Besides being rich in protein, cassava leaves also contain a high amount of fiber.

The protein itself is needed by the body to replace lost protein through hair, skin, and other body tissues. While fiber is needed by the body to absorb water and facilitate digestion.

The following are some of the benefits of cassava leaves based on the protein and fiber contained in them:

Benefits of Cassava Leaves and Recipes

  • Benefits of cassava leaves based on protein content
The protein content of cassava leaves is thought to help the body produce hormones and enzymes needed by the body. The protein also helps repair and form body tissues. Eating foods that contain protein or eating a diet that is rich in protein can also make someone feel full longer. So, for those of you who want to lose weight, maybe cassava leaves can be one variation for your diet.

  • Benefits of cassava leaves based on fiber content
For those of you who are in a weight loss program, you are definitely familiar with the benefits of fiber. And cassava leaves can be one of your daily menu choices. Because the cassava leaves also contain high fiber which is estimated to provide several benefits such as losing weight and maintaining your digestive health.

Although the protein content is quite high, unfortunately, cassava leaves are classified as minimal amino acids. Amino acids are organic compounds that combine to become proteins with functions to improve body tissue, describe food, and energy sources of the body. Although the benefits of cassava leaves are quite a lot for the body, it is not recommended to consume them raw. Both the leaves and cassava roots contain cyanide which can be harmful to the human body.

Benefits of Cassava Leaves Become More Delicious

Interested in enjoying cassava leaves as a variation of your daily menu? You can get the benefits of cassava leaves with various preparations according to taste. One menu that might be your choice is sauteed cassava leaves. The following is the recipe: 

Food ingredients that you need to prepare:

  • 2 chopped garlic cloves
  • 3 chopped shallots
  • Ginger to taste
  • 4 red chilies are cut to taste
  • Salt and sugar to taste
  • 1/2 kg of cassava leaves that have been boiled first, then cut into pieces
  • Sardines fish dry (you can change it to taste)

How to cook sauteed cassava leaves,

  • Saute onion, garlic, ginger, and chili.
  • If it's fragrant, add a little water.
  • Enter cassava leaves and add more water.
  • Add sardines fish or additional ingredients you want. Then add salt and sugar to your taste.
  • If it is slightly cooked and the water is sufficiently reduced, remove and serve.

Now, you already know the content and benefits of cassava leaves. Just enter in your daily menu and family to enjoy sharing the benefits of eating cassava leaves.

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