Take the Benefits of Protein from the Source

Body Health Site
There are various important and vital benefits of protein for the body, starting from helping the immune system, to controlling the body's activities. For this reason, knowing the right source of protein helps us to use protein properly. Protein is a macronutrient that the body needs in large quantities. Protein consists of 20 amino acids needed for the body and cells to function properly. More than half of the amino acids (11) are called nonessential amino acids because they can be made by the body while the rest (9) are called essential amino acids because they must be obtained from food.

Take the Benefits of Protein from the Source

Benefits of protein

Protein is an important component of every cell in the body. Therefore, it is not surprising that there are so many benefits of protein for the body:

  • Required in the formation of bones, muscles, cartilage, skin, and blood.
  • Build, strengthen, and repair or replace networks. For example, keratin which strengthens hair, and collagen and elastin which support connective tissue.
  • Making hormones that function helps cells send messages and coordinate body activities.
  • Making antibodies for the immune system.
  • Important for the growth and development of children, adolescents, and pregnant women.
  • Involved in movement and muscle contractions, for example, actin and myosin.
  • Making enzymes that function to facilitate biochemical reactions.
  • Making hormones and other body chemicals.
  • Transporting cells or substances, for example, hemoglobin which carries oxygen through the blood throughout the body.
  • Mediate cell responses, such as rhodopsin used for vision.
  • Storing substances, such as ferritin, which functions to store iron in the liver.

Source of protein

To get the maximum benefits of protein, it would be better if the source comes from:

  • Seafood, high in protein but usually low in fat. Salmon is even rich in omega-3 fatty acids which are very good for heart health.
  • Milk, cheese, yogurt. Apart from being a good source of protein, dairy products also contain calcium and vitamin D which function to maintain the strength of bones and teeth and prevent osteoporosis.
  • It is recommended to choose white meat (chicken, fish) over red meat (beef, goat). This is because red meat contains more fat.
  • Eggs, cheap and nutritious. According to the American Heart Association, adults are safe to consume one egg every day.
  • Nuts. Apart from being nutritious, nuts are also rich in fiber which can make us feel full for hours. Soybeans are good for the heart because they can help reduce cholesterol.

Protein from animal sources is called complete protein because it contains nine essential amino acids. While vegetable protein is considered incomplete because it does not have one or more essential amino acids.

Daily protein needs of each person depends on gender, age, body weight, and activity of each. The average man needs a protein intake of 56 grams/day, while women 46 grams/day. If the lack of protein, the body will lose weight, often become infected due to a weakened immune system, muscle fatigue, severe fluid retention, a disturbance in body growth, shrinking muscle tissue, diarrhea, fatty liver, swollen abdomen and legs, anemia, until contracted malnutrition such as kwashiorkor, marasmus, or marasmic kwashiorkor.

Of the various benefits of protein available to our bodies, it is recommended to eat a high source of protein. This is to maintain protein intake according to everyone's needs. To better understand the benefits of protein and its source, it is recommended to see a nutrition specialist.

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