Increase the body's metabolism to lose weight

Body Health
The body's metabolism is all biochemical processes that take place in the body. Your body's metabolism can convert the food and drinks you consume into energy to help various bodily functions, such as breathing, blood circulation, cell repair, to physical activity. The metabolic rate determines the number of calories the body burns in a state of rest though and is one of the references in losing weight.

Increase the body's metabolism to lose weight

The body's metabolic rate is influenced by several factors such as age, body size, gender, and genetic factors. The difficulty of losing weight is often associated with a low metabolic rate. This makes many people look for ways to increase metabolism, so they can lose weight faster. If you are one of them, see the explanation below.

Watch the food consumed

In fact, a low metabolic rate is rarely a cause of weight gain. What really affects weight is a large amount of food and drinks consumed and the level of physical activity.

  • Eating protein can increase metabolism because the body burns more calories to digest protein in food. Protein can increase the body's metabolic rate by 15-30%. Also, protein takes longer to digest, so it makes you feel full longer. Eating protein can also prevent the body from losing muscle mass due to the general diet process.
  • Eat foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids to help increase metabolism, reduce inflammation, and balance blood sugar. This content can be obtained from omega-3-enriched eggs, fish oil, and
  • Eating a nutrient-rich breakfast shortly after waking up in the morning will increase the body's metabolism.
  • Consumption of food in small portions at least 6 servings a day, to maintain blood sugar levels, and prevent insulin spikes.
  • Limit or avoid the consumption of foods containing trans fats which can reduce the body's ability to burn fat. Consuming too much trans fat can also cause insulin resistance and inflammation.

Active Moves

Active movement, especially exercising regularly is the key to increasing the body's metabolism. Aerobic exercise such as swimming, biking, and walking are the most effective ways to burn calories. Exercising at least 30 minutes per day can help you reach your physical fitness goals.

Strength training such as lifting weights can prevent the body from losing muscle mass that occurs during the diet or due to the aging process. This muscle mass is important in weight loss because muscle tissue burns more calories than fat tissue.

If regular exercise is too heavy, you can work around this in your daily activities, such as walking up the stairs instead of taking the elevator, gardening, or washing your own car.

In addition to the two things above, lack of sleep can also harm the body's metabolism and is associated with increased blood sugar levels, insulin resistance, and type 2 diabetes. Decreased metabolism due to lack of sleep can complicate weight loss because it reduces the body's ability to burn calories.

The thing to remember is that the body's metabolism is a natural process in the body, and will automatically adjust the body's needs. There is no short way that can instantly cause the body to become thin. To lose weight faster by increasing the body's metabolism, it needs to be followed by regular exercise and eating healthy foods with balanced nutrition.

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