Defibrillator, a complete description of this tool

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How to use the correct defibrillator

An AED (automated external defibrillator) is a medical device that can analyze the heart rhythm automatically and deliver an electric shock to restore the heart rhythm if needed. This tool serves to help people who have had a cardiac arrest. On this site we will discuss: "Defibrillators in public places, How Can Defibrillators Save Lives?; Different types of pacemakers and implantable defibrillators; ZOLL Defibrillator, What Are Its Benefits?; Nipple piercings and defibrillators; Best defibrillators to buy; Different types of defibrillators; Infections associated with resterilized pacemakers and defibrillators; Defibrillators in schools; Do all pacemakers have defibrillators; Types of pacemakers and defibrillators; What is the difference between a pacemaker and an implantable defibrillator; Are all pacemakers defibrillators."

Most of the cases of cardiac arrest occur in people who have heart problems. People who experience cardiac arrest must get help as soon as possible to survive. Before medical assistance arrives, providing CPR assistance and using AED devices to people with a cardiac arrest can save their lives.

Defibrillator Img Source: Pixabay

This tool is usually equipped with visual prompts and voice prompts to guide the helper in saving sufferers. Therefore, the AED can be used by everyone even if they do not have a medical background.

How to Use the AED Correctly

It is hoped that the automatic and simple operation of the AED will make it easier for anyone around people with cardiac arrest to provide immediate assistance while waiting for medical assistance.

Knowing how to use an AED at home or in a public place where it is available can save someone's life. The following is a guide on how to use the correct AED:

  1. If you notice someone who suddenly passes out or is unconscious, calls for medical help or an ambulance immediately. After that, ask someone to find the nearest AED device.
  2. Check if the person is completely unconscious. If the patient is an adult, try shaking his body or calling out loud. However, if the sufferer is a small child, do not shake the body, but just pinch it. If the sufferer is conscious or able to respond, do not use the AED.
  3. If the patient is unconscious, check his breathing and pulse. If the patient is not breathing and the pulse is not palpable or is palpable but irregular, perform CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation). Chest compressions and CPR can provide temporary oxygen to the patient while waiting for the AED.
  4. When the AED arrives, make sure the patient's body and the surrounding conditions are completely dry. Remove clothes and other objects that stick to the sufferer's body, such as patches or necklaces.
  5. After that, turn on the AED tool. The AED Tool will give you a step-by-step guide to what you need to do.
  6. Two AED electrode plates that must be attached to the patient's chest according to the position shown in the image on the AED. If the plate electrode cable is not connected directly to the AED, connect it immediately.
  7. Once the electrodes are in place, stop CPR and press the "analyze" button. Ensure that no one is touching the patient's body while the AED analyzes their heart rate, this is to prevent incorrect AED analysis.
  8. After the analysis is complete, the AED will inform the helper whether the patient needs to be given an electric shock or not. If the AED device states that the patient needs to be given an electric shock, make sure that no helper has touched the patient's body at all, then press the "shock" button on the AED to deliver an electric shock.
  9. After giving an electric shock, the AED device will give directions to the helper to check the patient's breathing and pulse. If it has not returned, the AED will ask the rescuer to continue CPR. After two minutes, the AED will again analyze the patient's heart rate and determine whether more electric shocks are needed.
  10. If electric shock is not needed but the patient has not shown signs of consciousness, continue to perform CPR as directed by the AED device until medical assistance arrives.

The Effectiveness of AEDs in Helping Patients with Cardiac Arrest

Research shows that the error rate of AED machines in detecting and treating cardiac arrest is very small, at only about 4%. Most of the errors occur because of the negligence of the person using the AED device.

An example is if an AED user accidentally ignores instructions for pressing the zapping button, still performs chest compressions while the AED analyzes heart rate, or presses the AED button incorrectly.

However, knowing how to use an AED tool properly can avoid this error. Today, AEDs remain the easiest way to save the lives of people who have had a cardiac arrest, before medical help arrives.

With prompt and appropriate help, the chances of survival for those with a cardiac arrest can increase and the possibility of being helped. The chances of this help being successful will be even higher if AED and CPR are carried out as soon as possible.

Conversely, the longer the patient is left without help, the less likely he is to survive this dangerous condition. If there are still things you want to ask about using the AED device, you can consult a doctor.

The article above was written by dr. Irene Cindy S.

A. Defibrillators in public places, How Can Defibrillators Save Lives?

A heart attack victim will suddenly feel fine for a few minutes, then the next minute they can die right away. Could an automated external defibrillator (AED) help solve this? This device is very effective, very easy to operate for anyone, and is now widely available in public places. Its purpose is to make it useful to society for immediate use on heart attack victims.

B. Different types of pacemakers and implantable defibrillators

If you or a loved one is about to receive an implanted pacemaker or defibrillator, you will usually ask yourself some of the following common questions:

  1. How long do pacemakers last?
  2. Is the surgical procedure safe?
  3. Will you be able to go back to work?
  4. Do you need to avoid everyday activities?

Of particular importance is the difference between different types of pacemakers and implanted defibrillators and how do they benefit the heart? Click and find the answer on the next page

C. ZOLL Defibrillator, What Are Its Benefits?

Find out how the ZOLL defibrillator can help you make the right decision about whether this type of safety equipment is right for you or not. Understanding how having the right defibrillators at work can make a big difference. There is a wide variety of safety equipment offerings, including defibrillators.

D. Nipple piercings and defibrillators

If someone has a sudden heart attack and needs help but he has a nipple piercing, does the defibrillator affect him? The answer is no. You can still use a defibrillator device on a person having a heart attack even if he or she has a nipple piercing.

E. Best defibrillators to buy

Defibrillators are very useful in saving the lives of heart attack victims, whether at home in the office or anywhere else, many studies show, about 80% of heart attacks can occur suddenly. A defibrillator is a device that delivers high-energy electric shocks to the heart of a person having a heart attack. This high-energy shock, which we call defibrillation, is a very important tool that can save a heart attack.

A defibrillator is a device that can restore a normal heart rate by sending a shock or electric pulse directly to the heart. Defibrillators are used to prevent or correct arrhythmias, which are irregular, imbalanced, too fast, or too slow heartbeats. In a situation where the heart suddenly stops, a defibrillator can be used to restore the heart rate. Defibrillators can be found in many places. As an essential part of a first aid kit in workplaces, offices, airports, shopping malls, train stations, bus stops, schools, and at home.

F. Different types of defibrillators

Many different defibrillator models are being introduced to the international market. Accident & Emergency First Aid with defibrillators and we would like to share our knowledge with you. The following is a summary of the different types of defibrillators that have become available in recent years.

A defibrillator machine (AED) is a device that can send electric shocks to the heart. The purpose of using a defibrillator is to treat a heart attack. Several types of defibrillators and this guide is for you, I hope it can be useful. Includes manual internal defibrillator, manual external defibrillator, wearable cardiac defibrillator, automatic external defibrillator (AED), implanted cardioverter defibrillator (ICD).

G. Infections associated with resterilized pacemakers and defibrillators

A multinational program started in 1983 to provide tested and re-sterilized pacemakers and defibrillators to underserved countries. Patients receiving defibrillator devices in this program were matched in a 1: 3 ratio with control patients receiving the new defibrillator administered in Canada. The result is infection or death associated with the device, there are also deaths from other causes that are modeled as competing risks.

H. Defibrillators in schools

Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) can strike anytime and anywhere, even in the middle of a school event. Without AEDs and CPR, the prospect of survival for someone who has a heart attack is reduced. Less than 10% of SCA victims usually survive, but research shows that a 30% - 50% chance of survival if CPR and AED are used in less than five minutes after a heart attack. Provide AED and CPR solutions for schools, gyms, churches, corporations, police stations, and other organizations that serve the public.

I. Do all pacemakers have defibrillators

The pacemaker functions to keep the heart beating at a normal rate and not too slow. The tool will only activate when needed, not always running all the time.

The implantable defibrillator is a larger size device. Its function is to prevent death from a heart attack. This device works by shocking the heart when needed. If there is a life-threatening rhythm disturbance of the lower chambers of the heart.

J. Types of pacemakers and defibrillators

The type of pacemaker you need depends on the symptoms and specific heart condition you have. After a diagnostic evaluation, your doctor will discuss recommendations for you to choose the right pacemaker according to your needs.

K. What is the difference between a pacemaker and an implantable defibrillator?

A pacemaker will make your heartbeat at a normal rhythm. While a Defibrillator can shock your heart when it beats abnormally or too slowly, it works when needed

L. Are all pacemakers defibrillators

The main cause of sudden death and disability can be disturbed heart rhythms, but for many sufferers, modern defibrillators can save their lives and reduce symptoms when running on a simple operating system.

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