The characteristics of an unhappy wife in the household are often associated with a wife's face that looks dull, gaunt, and rarely smiles. In fact, the characteristics are not that, you know. So that husbands don't misunderstand, let's get to know…
Continue ReadingLadies, do you often experience flatulence during menstruation? This complaint really makes you uncomfortable, especially if it happens in the middle of your activity. Well, to overcome this, you can do some of the simple methods in this article. How to Over…

Erb's palsy is an injury to the nerves of the shoulder that usually occurs in newborns. Generally, this condition occurs due to obstructed or breech labor. Erb's palsy can cause weakness or paralysis of the shoulder and arm on the side of the affected…

Episcleritis Episcleritis is an inflammation of the thin tissue that lies between the sclera and the conjunctiva of the eye, causing the eye to experience redness and discomfort. This inflammation can occur in one eye or both. The sclera is the white part of…

Definition of Epilepsy Epilepsy is recurrent seizures in part or all of the body due to disturbances in the pattern of electrical activity in the brain. This disease is not contagious and can be controlled with routine and appropriate treatment. A person is d…

Epiglottitis is inflammation of the epiglottis, which is the valve that closes the airways when eating or drinking. Epiglottitis is generally caused by a bacterial infection or injury to the throat. The epiglottis is a leaf-shaped valve located behind the ton…

False Positive Pregnancy Test A false positive test pack is a condition when the pregnancy test kit shows two blue lines or is positive for pregnancy, but there is actually no pregnancy. False positive tests occur for a variety of reasons, from using the wron…