Showing posts from 2020

Soy milk is not a foreign drink for the people. Everyone of all ages might have drunk it. But may I give soy milk for babies? Judging from its name, of course, soy milk is made from soybeans. In one cup (240 ml) unsweetened soy milk contains at least 7 grams…

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The body's metabolism is all biochemical processes that take place in the body. Your body's metabolism can convert the food and drinks you consume into energy to help various bodily functions, such as breathing, blood circulation, cell repair, to phy…

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Healthy drinks can help you who are running a diet program because it can help reduce calorie intake in the body and help improve the body's metabolism. Soft drinks in packs, fast food drinks in sachets, and energy drink products have become daily consum…

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Being accustomed to consuming home cooking processed with olive oil might help reduce the risk of stroke, heart disease, and help treat high blood pressure and high cholesterol. The delicacy of home cooking feels more delicious and healthier thanks to the co…

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Various ways can be done for a successful diet to lose weight. It just needs patience and a strong determination during the process of undergoing a diet. Actually, the most important thing in a successful diet is not only to focus on weight loss but also to …

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After eating sleepy, it is a common complaint felt by almost everyone? Although it actually does not need to worry, sometimes it can interfere with activities. To minimize sleepiness after eating, you need to know the cause, so you can avoid it. Especially f…

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When the rainy season arrives, we tend to be vulnerable to various diseases such as flu, and even dengue fever. Why? In cold weather, we tend to spend more time indoors and close to one another, thus facilitating the spread of viruses. Also, many viruses ten…

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Lactic acid fermentation is one method for producing and preserving certain foods so that they can be stored for later consumption. This fermentation itself does not require heat or expensive preparation, so it is preferred over other methods. Lactic acid ba…

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