The therapy of conjunctivitis done depends on the cause. The following are therapies that are classified based upon the reasons for conjunctivitis. Infective conjunctivitis There are several ways you can do it on your own to treat infective conjunctivit…

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Complications due to conjunctivitis can occur in children and adults. Below are some of the complications of conjunctivitis that can occur based on the type of conjunctivitis suffered. Infective conjunctivitis Conjunctivitis can last for several mont…

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The causes of conjunctivitis vary depending on the type. This will be explained below. Allergic conjunctivitis Allergic conjunctivitis results from an allergic reaction in the eye after coming into contact with an allergen. Allergic conjunctivitis i…

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Symptoms of conjunctivitis initially only affect one eye, but usually, after a few hours, it will affect both eyes. Conjunctivitis has symptoms that commonly occur as follows: Frequent tears and mucus because the glands that produce both become overactiv…

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Conjunctivitis or red eye is inflammation that occurs in the conjunctiva or clear membrane that lines the front of the eye. When there is inflammation of the small blood vessels in the conjunctiva, the part of the eye that should be white will look red or pi…

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