Know the Functions of the Heart Valves   The function of the heart valves is very important for the flow of blood throughout the body. Without valves, blood flow in the heart cannot run properly and the work of the heart will be very heavy. Inside the heart, …

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Eating healthy foods for the heart and doing a healthy lifestyle can make us avoid the risk of heart disease, and will reduce the risk of death from heart disease. In addition to consuming a variety of healthy foods for the heart, you must also avoid ready-to…

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The main heart function is pumping blood throughout the body. As a means of transportation, blood has the duty to bring nutrition to the heart and blood vessels to form the cardiovascular system (heart and blood vessels). A healthy and normal heart is suppor…

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A heart attack is an emergency medical condition that needs to be addressed immediately before it's too late. Go immediately to the nearest hospital if you or someone is suspected of having a heart attack. Some of the symptoms of a heart attack that usua…

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Heart attacks occur because the supply of blood flow to a person's heart is disrupted. The heart really needs a constant blood supply that contains lots of oxygen, as well as other organs and tissues in the body. If a person's heart does not get enou…

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